BioTector Diagnostic Download
BioTector Diagnostic Download The information in the BioTectors archive – Reaction archive, Fault archive and Diagnostics, can be downloaded to the SD card and transferred to a PC. The format is a Text file. The Reaction archive stores the last 8000 reactions. The Fault archive stores the last 99 faults. The Diagnostic archive stores diagnostic information held in the BioTector.
Basic Reaction Archive download, in Standard mode. This downloads Time, Date, Stream/Range, TIC and TOC data. This can also show Zero Calibrations ZC, span calibrations, SC, and more, see below. Hint: always look at the fault archive at the same time, to see if there are any related faults in the system. S1 to S6 – reactions from stream 1 to stream 6. M1 to M6 – reactions from manual sample stream 1 to manual stream 6. CF – full cleaning reaction. RW – reactor wash reaction. RS – remote standby reaction. ZC – zero calibration reaction. ZK – zero check reaction. ZM – manual zero adjust. SC – span factor calibration reaction. SK – span factor check reaction. SM –manual span factor adjust. A1 to A6 – 24 hours average result from stream 1 to stream 6.
Basic Reaction Archive download, in Engineering mode. This downloads the information shown below, in addition to Time, Date, Stream/Range, TIC and TOC data.
Engineering mode archive, what to look out for: CO2z CO2z (CO2 analyzer zero point). At the start of each reaction, the CO2 zero is recorded. Is this stable? For the BioTector G2 CO2 analyzer, typically each reading will be within 3-5 ppm of the last reading. For the older GD10 CO2 analyzer, this could vary by 25-50 ppm. Is the result within +/- 0.5% of full scale? If not, them the lens may have to be cleaned. Is the result close to or over 250ppm? Then confirm that there is no CO2 in the oxygen supply.
Engineering mode archive, what to look out for: TIC TICmgu (TIC un-calibrated), TICmgc (calibrated), CO2p (height of the CO2 peak). Is the TICmgu within +/- 25% of the TICmgc? Typically we find that the un-calibrated TIC is close to the calibrated TIC – and note that there is normally no zero offset from the TIC reading. Note that the simple reaction of TIC and acid in the reactor confirms: The sample is being injected into the reactor. The acid for the TIC is being injected into the reactor. The circulation pump is probably running (not as easy to deduce in the MCR reactor). The CO2 analyzer is reading. The MFC has a gas flow.
Engineering mode archive, what to look out for: TOC TOCmgu (TOC un-calibrated), TOCmgc (calibrated), CO2p (height of the CO2 peak). The comparison between TOCmgu and TOCmgc is not as easy here, due to the zero offset from the base. However, confirm that a zero calibration was run recently (ZC reaction), then you can do a rough calculation by subtracting the zero offset from the TOCmgu reading. For a good TOC reading: The base oxidation phase has to be effective - pH ~14, ozone generator operating, circulation pump circulating the liquid. The TOC phase has to be effective – pH ~0, manganese catalyst in the acid, ozone generator operating for first half of the phase, circulation pump circulating the liquid. Note that if you have no manganese catalyst in the acid, you result will be down ~33%.
Engineering mode archive, what to look out for: DegC, Atm DegC, Temperature in the BioTector. High alarm set to 45C. Atm, Atmospheric pressure sensor in the BioTector. Confirm that both of these readings are reasonable.
Engineering mode archive, what to look out for: SMPL PUMP SMPL PUMP: Diagnostic data from the sample pump. The same information is available for the reagent (acid and base) pumps. 1). Operating mode, 0= time mode, 1= pulse mode. The pump has a magnetic sensor, if this is working correctly, the mode should be “1”. If the sensor fails, the pump switches to a backup time based mode. Note that the pump could also be faulty / stopped. 2). Number of pulses during last operation, for example injection. 3). Time (milliseconds) for the above operation – note that this will change depending on the BioTectors range. 4). Time for the last pulse operation. For WMM60 pumps, this is typically 500-400 ms. For SR25 pumps (reagent) this is typically 700-600ms. If it is slower than this, the pump may be old. 5). Error counter. This counts up to 6 before logging a fault. It should always be 0, if not there may be an intermittent fault on the system.
Engineering mode archive, Calibration Curve data. This is produced for each range in the BioTector. It shows: The calibration and range. The current Zero Adjust. The current Span Adjust. APC = Factory Set Automatic Pressure Compensation factor, used to compensate for changes in atmospheric pressure. ATC = Factory Set Automatic Temperature Compensation and related temperature, with the current CO2 analyzers, these values are close to 1.00 Full calibration curve, as calculated by the BioTectors “constrained cubic spline” interpolation calculation. Used mainly in the factory to confirm that the calibration is correct.
Engineering mode archive, ATC data. Typical Factory Set ATC (automatic Temperature Compensation) table.
Engineering mode archive, Zero/Span Adjust data. Typical Zero and Span adjust record. Depending on the range, the zero adjust should be +/- 5% of full scale of the appropriate calibration. Outside of this, the base solution may be contaminated with a high level of carbonate, especially if the zero adjust is large and negative. The BioTector will still operate with a large zero adjust, but the accuracy will be effected. The Span Adjust factor should generally be close to 1.0. +/- 15% could be accounted for in a sample pump tube change, anything outside this should be investigated. However if you see a Span Adjust factor in the order of 1.5, then it is likely that the user has no Manganese catalyst in the acid.
Engineering mode archive, Analogue Input raw data. Typical Analogue Input data. The Analogue to Digital ADC converter has a resolution of 12 bits, or 1 in 4095. ADC1, CO2 analyzer, 4-20ma signal from the CO2 analyzer is read as 1-5v signal by the BioTector. Therefore, a ADC value of ~800 = 4ma = 0 ppm CO2. ADC2, MFC, as above. ADC3, Reserved. ADC4, Cooler Temperature. This temperature sensor has an output of 10mv for each degree F from 0F (-17.7C) to 100F (37.7C). In this example, the output is 580mv, which corresponds to 58F, or 14C. ADC5, Panel Temperature. This temperature sensor has an output of 10mv for each degree C, from 0C to 100C. ADC6, 7, Reserved. ADC8, Atmospheric Pressure Sensor. 150mbar has an output of 0.2V, 1150mbar has an output of 4.8V. ADC9, 12 Reserved.
Engineering mode archive, Previous Reaction CO2 data. Shows the CO2 analyzer output from the previous reaction. The left hand group of figures shows TIC, the figures below TOC. Base Oxidation CO2 results should be low (almost zero) and stable.
Engineering mode archive, Fault Status. Read from the bottom up (the bottom is the oldest data. This example is from an O2 flow record. Initially, the set-point (10) and flow (10.0-10.4) are the same, but when the set-point changes to 20, the flow drops off. Possible issue, out of oxygen. The faults logged in the Fault status archive are: O2 flow. Relay PCB fault (monitors the fuse status). Ozone PCB fault (monitors the fuse / power status). CO2 analyzer fault (logs the CO2 analyzer signal). Panel Temperature. Cooler Temperature.