Data Book Review & Discussion Biometric & Spectral Analysis 2003/2004 Forest Watch Data Book Review & Discussion Biometric & Spectral Analysis
Figure 1: New FW Teachers Trained 2001 = 25 2002 = 14 2003 = 20 2004 = 31 2004 New Forest Watch Schools By State: NH =13 DE = 2 ME =1 CT = 4 PA =1
Distribution of Active Forest Watch Teachers &Schools Total = 220 Teachers Total = 167 Schools
Bad Ozone Day for New England Ozone Conditions in New England , 2003 and Historic 1-hour Average Peak Concentration 0-60 ppb Good 61-79 ppb 80-99 ppb Moderate 100-110 ppb 111-124 ppb Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups 125+ ppb Unhealthy Bad Ozone Day for New England June 25 2003
Averaged 4 highest 1 hour ozone concentrations & The number of 1hr exceedances for 2003. Many stations recorded zero exceedances in 2003 at the 1hr standard. Southern New England, especially coastal areas were the only exceptions.
2003 & 2004 both had the fewest exceedance days in over 20 years. Graph of the Number of Exceedance Days in New England from1983-2004 Based on the 8-hr standard. Source : 2003 & 2004 both had the fewest exceedance days in over 20 years.
Figure 25: Number of ozone 1-hr and 8-hr exceedances, compared to the number of days with temperatures greater than 90ºF, as measured at Bradley Airport outside Hartford, CT.
Contributions of Ozone Precursor Pollutants in New England (2002) The automobile is directly and indirectly responsible for more than 50% of emissions of VOC’s and NOX in New England. Steps we can take as individuals: Hybrid technology! Less driving on hot days Public transportation Regular vehicle maintenance Avoid gas fill ups during hot weather
The inverse relationship between REIP and ozone returned in 2002 and 2003. In 2003, high REIP values corresponded to low ozone values as they have in most years since Forest Watch began. In 2003 we saw our highest REIP values since Forest Watch began. Spearman’s coefficient of correlation: (1998 = -0.81) (2002 = -0.39) (2003 = -0.51) Probability: 1998 = <0.05 2000 = <0.20 2003 = <0.05
Average Annual Red Edge Inflection Point for All Schools The overall trend shows increasing REIP values between 1993 and 2003 -Increasing CO2 in the atmosphere? (increased rate of DBH) -Younger Forest Watch trees replacing older ones? (resistance) -Improvements in Air Quality? (Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990)
TM 5/4 Moisture Stress Index TM 5/4 is a measure of water content. Lower TM 5/4 = More water <0.55 = Adequate Moisture 0.55-0.60 = Initial Moisture Stress >0.60 = Increasing Stress Our two highest REIP years for all schools in 1999 and 2000 were our lowest 5/4 years. 2000 was very wet, 1999 was a significant drought year, however spring conditions were very wet in 1999. 2001 and 2002 were drought years; TM5/4 values increased signifying less water. In 2003, cooler and wetter conditions led to a slight decrease in 5/4 values
NIR 3/1 Provides us with information about the developmental status of vegetation Values <0.9 are indicative of young, rapid growth Values from .9 to 1.0 equal indicate slow growth and maturity Values greater than 1.0 signify increasing senescence The trend of increasing vigor and young growth correlates well with the Rise in REIP values seen between 1993 and 2003. This trend could also be related to the loss of older trees sampled in Forest Watch And the corresponding increase in younger more sampling accessible trees. 1999 and 2000 show the lowest values in 3/1 and 5/4 index values as well as High REIP values
Long Term Analysis of Selected Student Collected Biometric Data
Figure 19: Average Yearly Needle Retention 1992-2003.
Figure 20: Average Annual Needle & Fascicle Length 1992-2003.
Figure 21: Percent of needles with both chlorotic mottle and tip necrosis 1996-2003. This decline in the presence of both symptoms correlates well with the increase in REIP over time.
Figure 22: Average Needle Damage Length 1996-2003.
Figure 23: Average Percent Needle Damage calculated by Forest Watch students and UNH researchers.