Bolton Mental Health Strategic Developments Rachael Sutton Senior Commissioning Manager for Mental Health Bolton CCG 2017
Bolton Locality Plan – Aims/Aspirations Improving child and adult mental health, narrowing the gap in life expectancy, and ensuring parity of esteem Prevention, early assessment, diagnosis and intervention to deliver a sustainable mental health system Bringing care closer to home Enabling resilient communities, engaging inclusive employers and working in partnership with the third sector to transform the mental health and well-being of our population
£28.8m Population Health and Prevention Primary Care Urgent and Emergency Care Planned Care Mental Health £28.8m Learning Disabilities Integrated and Community Care Strategy and Planning Groups for each of these – report into the System Sustainability and Transformation Board who are held accountable for performance and delivery by Health and Wellbeing Board Care Homes and Home Care Children’s and Maternity
5 KEY WORK AREAS FOR MENTAL HEALTH TRANSFORMATION FUND IMPLEMENTATION (ADULTS) AMHP HUB – Approved Mental Health Professionals IAPT – Improved Access to Psychological Therapies Shared Lives OATS pilot (out of area treatments) MATS (Memory Assessment & Treatment Service) expansion
Mental Health Five Year Forward View Deliver in full the implementation plan for the Mental Health Five Year Forward View for all ages, including: Extend Dementia diagnosis rate. (80.2 YTD) Increase access to individual placement support Eliminate out of area placements for non-specialist acute care by 2020/21 Expand capacity for EIP –additional investment locally Increase baseline spend on mental health 24/7 access to community crisis resolution Reduce suicide rates by 10%. Local zero suicides aim. Reduce MH burden on 999 and A&E by better integration for crisis response Increased access to IAPT - from 15% to 19% Taken from the must do’s paper, replaces the old summary headlines. There are more than must do’s there are also ‘should do’s ‘ which are not listed here. Page 1 of 2 on this topic
ADDITIONAL MENTAL HEALTH WORK DEVELOPMENTS - CHILDREN Thrive - In 2017, the Thrive model (I-Thrive) will start being applied to the whole GM children and young persons’ system to help deliver improved access, reduced waiting times and help deliver clinical efficiencies . Crisis Care - Bolton are a pilot site, due to commence September/October 2017, for all age RAID model. Will ensure parity of access not only for children in comparison to adults, but also alongside physical health needs. CAMHS - Open procurement exercise 17/18 to secure a new provider for Bolton Children and Adolescent mental Health Service (CAMHS). Comprehensive process of engagement and consultation with a wide range of service users, providers, agencies, and professionals across Bolton.
ADDITIONAL MENTAL HEALTH WORK DEVELOPMENTS CHILDREN CONT Perinatal/Parent Infant Mental Health Care - Parental mental health prenatally, postnatally and throughout childhood also has a significant impact on a child’s outcomes, wellbeing and mental health. CCG working with clinicians locally & the Strategic Clinical Network and other GM localities to develop and embed a specialist community offer for perinatal mental health. Ongoing work with local Maternity, Health Visiting, GP’s and the Bolton Start Well service to embed the GM Early Years Delivery Model pathways to support parenting and attachment. Eating Disorders - Comprehensive community based Eating Disorder Service which manages and coordinates care for children and young people with eating disorders across Wigan and Bolton Boroughs Was launched on 1st April 2017. The service works across the community including in-reach to hospital to support service users who have acute paediatric medical needs.
ADDITIONAL TRANSFORMATION WORK STREAMS PRIMARY CARE - Ten Primary Care Emotional Well-Being/Mental Health Workers being recruited across Bolton. POPULATION HEALTH AND PREVENTION - Lower level Mental Health/Emotional Wellbeing/Rapid Access – scoping in progress working with voluntary sector, Bolton Council and Bolton CCG. CARE HOMES – Enhanced psychiatric support
ADDITIONAL MENTAL HEALTH DEVELOPMENTS Service user engagement – review of Central Forum/SU engagement event planned. Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) – Local additional resources have been allocated to this service. ADHD (Provided by Cheshire Wirral Partnership - CWP) – Service redesign is currently in progress. Substance Misuse Services currently out to tender in conjunction with Salford and Trafford. Led by public health. Work, Health and Disability Liaising with Public Health who are leading on this strategy. Bolton Job and Skills Fair being held on 22nd June around holistic support. Shared Care - Protocols under review
USEFUL CONTACTS Recovery Academy GMMH 0161358 1771 or email for details Single Point of Access (GMMH) 01204 483101 The Sanctuary self help services 0300 003 7029 (evening/night time crisis support) AMHP Hub, Barnett House 01204 483000 CCG Senior Mental Health Commissioning Manager 01204 462000