Young People’s Service
Background BeOK – 2007 – March 2015 Spring/Summer 2015 – New service model developed/co-produced Strong Partnerships with YP services Embedded within wider T2 services to ensure sustainability Secured charitable funding to run service to March 2019
Service model 16-25 year olds Recovery model Targeting YP who have clear/more established mental health needs which are likely to endure into adulthood Strong partnerships with Find it Out/YES, CAMHS, colleges, 6th forms & University Working with CAMHS to support transitions
Young Peoples Service Since October 2015 the Young People’s Service has received 97 referrals and is currently supporting 50 young people. A further 16 referrals are waiting to be allocated to new recovery worker. The young people we work with have experienced :- Anxiety and Depression Obsessive compulsive disorder Phobia Suicidal behaviour Self Harm Eating Disorders Bullying Childhood abuse and/or trauma Psychosis PTSD
Age at time of referral
What we provide 1:1 support Recovery Courses Activities Informal Peer support Volunteering opportunities including dog walking, animal care Outreach support within community venues including Colleges, Find It Out Centre’s Information Events including Fresher’s Fair, Health and Well Being Events, Mental Health Awareness days
The next six months Recruitment of two further Youth Recovery Workers in the Chichester and Bognor area Establishing regular drop in/support group Increasing links with community services
I want to say thank you for today. In their words…………… It gives us reassurance that our child is getting some help…she looks forward to the sessions and is more upbeat on the days she is seeing her recovery worker. I want to say thank you for today. It’s very rare I tell people I’ve not met before pretty much everything. I’m very picky who I trust so yeah, thanks.