CONTENT OF PRESENTATION Part A: Progress on ICT Implementation in Education Progress of Schools e-Administration Infrastructure Progress of Schools Connectivity Progress of USAO Progress of Teacher Centres Part B: Future Plans – Operation Phakisa ICT in Education Background Operation Phakisa: ICT Main Lab Operation Phakisa: Outcome Initiatives Framework for ICT in Education Implementation Plan (2016-2020) Short – Term Activities Mid-Term & Long-Term Plans Proposed Delivery Units (DBE & Provincial) 2
PART A: Progress on ICT Implementation in Education Progress of Schools e-Administration Infrastructure Progress of Schools Connectivity Progress of USAO Progress of Teacher Centres
PROGRESS OF SCHOOLS e-ADMINISTRATION INFRASTRUCTURE SCHOOLS' ICT INFRASTRUCTURE Province Total No. of schools Admin Purpose Current No of schools with a computer and software for admin % of Computer for Admin EC 5727 5562 97% FS 1327 1141 86% GP 2183 100% KZN 5937 5372 90% LP 3924 3205 82% MP 1948 1748 NC 573 342 60% NW 1542 WC 1458 National 24619 22553 91.6%
PROGRESS OF SCHOOLS CONNECTIVITY Currently 11, 375 (46.2%) schools were connected by the end of 2015 – 16 Financial year. The table and graph below provide breakdown: Province Total No. of schools Connected schools as per 2014-15 Percentage of connected NC 573 438 76.4% KZN 5937 1460 24.6% EC 5727 2421 42.3% FS 1327 752 56.7% NW 1542 1029 66.7% LP 3924 965 MP 1948 718 36.9% WC 1458 100.0% GP 2183 2134 97.8% Total 24619 11375 46.2%
PROGRESS: 2015 – 16 UNIVERSAL SERVICE & ACCESS OBLIGATION ROLLOUT USAO has been so far imposed on MTN, Vodacom, Cell – C and Neotel to connect 5250 schools. From April 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 a total of 1107 schools have been connected (USAO) and provided with End User Devices that are loaded with e-content; Cell – C has started the rollout in Mpumalanga mid February 2016 Neotel is about to appoint the service Provider Province Vodacom MTN Grand Total Urban schools Rural To be confirmed Total Broadband Aligned None Broadband NC 36 32 18 86 1 10 2 13 99 KZN 73 107 27 74 102 209 EC 115 95 210 40 68 278 FS 90 52 142 78 118 260 NW 6 16 3 25 15 42 67 LP 21 24 39 117 141 MP WC 33 51 282 291 23 596 218 289 511 1107 Total connected schools is therefore raised to 12482 (51%), including 1107 USAO 6
PROGRESS ON TEACHER CENTRES A total number of 149 teacher centres spread across all provinces 5 3 16 49 24 9 17 21
PROGRESS OF TEACHER CENTERS Province No of Centres Centres with ICT Labs Connectivity Teacher Centres with Programmes Access to Emails Functional EC 16 14 12 6 FS 5 4 GP 21 11 17 1 KZN 49 35 15 38 47 28 LP 9 8 MP 10 NC NW 24 7 23 WC 3 TOTAL 147 110 79 118 145 Knowledgeable and productive Centre Manager; Availability of ICTs; Connectivity of the Centre; Number of Teacher Development Programmes; Availability of training spaces; Frequency of Teacher training workshops conducted; and Community programmes provided such as youth programmes. INDICATORS FOR FUNCTIONAL TEACHER CENTRE
PART B: Future Plans – Operation Phakisa ICT in Education Background Operation Phakisa: ICT Main Lab Operation Phakisa: Outcome Initiatives Framework for ICT in Education Implementation Plan (2016- 2020) Short – Term Activities Mid-Term & Long-Term Plans Proposed Delivery Units (DBE & Provincial)
OPERATION PHAKISA : BACKGROUND Government introduced the Operation Phakisa methodology to accelerate service delivery in various sectors Each Operation Phakisa engaged in a lab process
OPERATION PHAKISA: ICT MAIN LAB Hosted on 6 September – 2 October 2015; jointly facilitated by DPME and DBE 120 participants (DST, DTPS, DoC, DHET, Treasury, PEDs, Telcos, Private Sector and Unions) Additional participants attended when required to make content- specific presentations or inputs; validation and syndication Aim of the Lab: To develop a systematic and detailed roll-out plan for the delivery of curriculum and quality administration in the basic education sector using ICT Work streams developed ‘3-feet’ detailed plans of 10 integrated initiatives 11
INITIATIVES EMANATING FROM THE LAB 5/16/2018 INITIATIVES EMANATING FROM THE LAB Virtual Learning Solution (Online learning platform) Blended Teacher Professional Development (Teacher Training) Sourcing and Curating Digital Content (Digital Content) Taking Care of Teachers Application (Mobile app) Knowledge Management (Data Analytics) Research and Innovation Capacity for Teacher Education (ICT Pedagogy Research) Integrated e-Admin Solution (Streamlined e-Administration) Learning Anytime, Anywhere, Any Pace w/Devices (Provision of end-user devices) IT Services Support Hub (Technical Support Service) Rapid Broadband Deployment (Connectivity)
MMM PRESENTATION Presentation of Operation Phakisa ICT Implementation Plans to MMM on 17 November 2015 Recommendations of MMM: Focus on addressing current priorities & challenges in the basic education sector. Adopt a phased implementation approach Start with most needy sections of the sector (Multi-grade, Inclusive & Rural Schools). Integrate, coordinate & continue the current ICT initiatives in provinces. Ensure cost-savings (Take advantage of economies of scale through central procurement). 13
FRAMEWORK FOR ICT IMPLEMENTATION A Framework for ICT Implementation in Education informed by recommendations of MMM was developed and consists of the following: Detailed plans and activities Constitute of: Short-term activities; ‘Quick-wins’ (2016/17) Mid-term activities (2017/18) Long term plans (2018-2020) Realistic, affordable & feasible
SHORT TERM ACTIVITIES ICT INITIATIVES SHORT TERM ACTIVITIES 2016/17 2016/17 Content and Curriculum Develop norms and standards Audit, collate and curate existing content Develop and customise Virtual Learning Solution Establish baseline on digital content usage Digitize existing content Identify and fill content gaps Launch Virtual Learning Solution Upload user and core to Virtual Learning Solution Publish annual report on Virtual Learning Solution Impact Teacher Professional Development HEIs agree on standards for ICT integration into curriculum Approve ICT in Education Innovation Centre concept Build teacher trainer capacity Digitise & Level 1 ICT TPD content Create & QA Educator baseline self-assessment Design ICT in Education Innovation Centre Launch ICT in Education Innovation Centre and Platform Train admin assistants, and office-& school –based educators across ICT pathway levels 1 to 3 Digitise & QA Level 2 and 3 ICT TPD content Verify application of training and Individualised Development (Online & DBE TV Channel, DTDC’s) E-Administration Establish Governance Framework Streamline data business processes Provincial due diligence on data warehouse Formalise inter Departmental Protocols Establish Quick Wins and Recognition Schemes Ensure data officers at all schools and circuits Develop data warehouse and BI Develop teacher low morale app Standardise format of external data Implement Protocols 15
SHORT TERM ACTIVITIES (con’t) ICT INITIATIVES SHORT TERM ACTIVITIES IT Lifecycle Management Assess and Support school readiness Identify national, district and provincial hub venues Define IT support requirements School installation (1st round) Advertise Call logging system provider Refurbish venue for the IT support hub Recruit and Train IT Technicians Assess 3 month impact on infrastructure Appointment and training of local technicians Rollout learner devices Connectivity Connectivity Deployment Plan National Health Insurance Districts – 2189 schools Universal Service Obligations – 1050 Preparation for Implementation of Connectivity Identification of Relevant Stakeholders per province Site Verification and submission of forms Update Database Implementing Agents Appointed and Inducted Role definition of implementation agents Define appointment processes Appoint implementing Agents Workshop and sign SLA’s and related contracts. SA Connect– 2255 schools Universal Service Obligations – 1400 Schools to be covered via various initiatives - 3785 (excludes GP&WC Schools) Reviewed USAF contribution (Section 88 of the ECA: Review Licence Operator contributions to the Fund with view to increasing the USAF contributions) Conduct preliminary research Conduct intergovernmental consultation Conduct public and industry consultation through gazette & Submit to cabinet for approval Publish and gazette amendment Connectivity regulations reviewed and e-rate payment model 16
MID TERM ACTIVITIES ICT INITIATIVES MID TERM ACTIVITIES 2017/18 2017/18 Content and Curriculum Extend functionality to include adaptive learning Enrichment of learning content Launch Phase 1 of e-ANA Analyse, interpret and report usage data Publish annual report on Virtual Learning Solution Impact Teacher Professional Development HEIs incorporate ICT integration into curriculum Train admin assistants, and office-& school –based educators across ICT pathway levels 1 to 3 Identify & Develop Phase 2 Non ICT TPD content (QA, accreditation) E-Administration Perform e-readiness assessment Annual data audit Implementation of data warehouse and BI Implement teacher low morale app Integrate external data into warehouse Implement Protocols IT Lifecycle Management Assess 6 months impact on infrastructure Rollout learner devices School installations Appoint & train local technicians Connectivity Connectivity Deployment Plan Universal Service Obligations – 1400 Schools to be covered via various initiatives - 3785 (excludes GP&WC Schools) Implementation of connectivity services Identification of distance between site and POP Digging of tranches and laying out of cable Termination of cable and installation of end devices Signing of commissioning certificate 17
LONG TERM ACTIVITIES ICT INITIATIVES LONG TERM ACTIVITIES 2018/19 2018/19 2019/20 Content and Curriculum Deliver School Based Assessment (SBA) via Virtual Learning Solution Publish annual report on Virtual Learning Solution Impact Deliver exam papers for Gr12 to devices Teacher Professional Development Continue operation of ICT in Education Innovation Centre Train admin assistants, and office-& school –based educators across ICT pathway levels 1 to 3 Teachers utilise the research and innovation centre to inform pedagogic practices E-Administration Perform e-readiness assessment Auto-verification of data at school level Annual data audit Training of users on BI Monitoring and evaluation of Protocols IT Lifecycle Management Rollout devices to teachers and learners School installations Appointment and training of local technicians 12 month infrastructure assessment Connectivity Connectivity Deployment Plan Universal Service Obligations – 1400 Schools to be covered via various initiatives - 3785 (excludes GP&WC Schools) 18
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