Figure 4. 1. The demographic transition Figure 4.1. The demographic transition. Different periods of transition are reflected in the experiences of Sweden, Mexico, and Kenya. Original figure concept and data from Population Reference Bureau. From Health and Medical Geography, 4th edition, by Emch, Root, & Carrel. Copyright 2017 by The Guilford Press.
From Health and Medical Geography, 4th edition, by Emch, Root, & Carrel. Copyright 2017 by The Guilford Press.
Table 4.1. (cont.) Transitions. From Health and Medical Geography, 4th edition, by Emch, Root, & Carrel. Copyright 2017 by The Guilford Press.
From Health and Medical Geography, 4th edition, by Emch, Root, & Carrel. Copyright 2017 by The Guilford Press.
Figure 4. 2. Population pyramids of age structure. Data from U. S Figure 4.2. Population pyramids of age structure. Data from U.S. Census Bureau (2008). From Health and Medical Geography, 4th edition, by Emch, Root, & Carrel. Copyright 2017 by The Guilford Press.
From Health and Medical Geography, 4th edition, by Emch, Root, & Carrel. Copyright 2017 by The Guilford Press.
Figure 4.3. Mobility and disease agent transmission. From Health and Medical Geography, 4th edition, by Emch, Root, & Carrel. Copyright 2017 by The Guilford Press.
Plate 6. Conditions of the agricultural frontier in Malaysia Plate 6. Conditions of the agricultural frontier in Malaysia. (Upper left) primary rain forest in west Malaysia; (upper right) the same site months later, clear-felled; (lower left) land scheme occupied with rubber-farming settlers on home lots growing tapioca for “vegetables” amid invasive Imperator cylindrica grass; (lower right) cloned rubber saplings, African nitrogen-fixing ground cover, and houses being erected by Malaysian Chinese contractors. From Health and Medical Geography, 4th edition, by Emch, Root, & Carrel. Copyright 2017 by The Guilford Press.
Plate 10. Ecuadorian Amazon agricultural frontier Plate 10. Ecuadorian Amazon agricultural frontier. (Upper left and right) House types in the agricultural frontier of the northern Ecuadorian Amazon. Left, a cement house of the colonos (settlers); right, a wooden house. Lower left, raw settlements along road in the northern Ecuadorian Amazon. Fieldwork by Patricia E. Polo, July 2007. Lower right, land use in the northern Ecuadorian Amazon (Landsat image, September 2002). Lago Agrio and Coca (Francisco de Orellana) are urban areas; Joya de los Sachas and Shushufindi are rural settlements. Ecuadorian Amazon Project, R. E. Bilsborrow and S. J. Walsh, coprincipal investigators, Spatial Analysis Unit, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. From Health and Medical Geography, 4th edition, by Emch, Root, & Carrel. Copyright 2017 by The Guilford Press.
Figure 4.4. Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest malaria prevalence. From Health and Medical Geography, 4th edition, by Emch, Root, & Carrel. Copyright 2017 by The Guilford Press.
Figure 4.5. Sub-Saharan Africa also has the highest tuberculosis prevalence. Southern Africa is especially hard hit. Asia also has quite high tuberculosis prevalence levels. From Health and Medical Geography, 4th edition, by Emch, Root, & Carrel. Copyright 2017 by The Guilford Press.
Figure 4.6. HIV/AIDS is a global epidemic; however, sub-Saharan Africa has the highest HIV prevalence. Southern Africa is especially hard hit. From Health and Medical Geography, 4th edition, by Emch, Root, & Carrel. Copyright 2017 by The Guilford Press.