Use a dictionary to answer questions about spelling, syllabication, pronunciation, parts of speech, and definitions. Objectives Use an office reference manual. Select appropriate synonyms for words or ideas. continued PP 1-1a
Objectives Apply proofreaders’ marks to identify changes in the text. continued Apply proofreaders’ marks to identify changes in the text. Objectives Use proofreaders’ marks to identify changes in the text. Identify ways to improve your spelling and use of words that you commonly confuse or misuse. PP 1-1b
Error-Free Documents Do not guess! Use a dictionary, thesaurus, or office reference manual. Learn how to use online reference resources. Proofread. PP 1-2
The Dictionary Each entry word is bold-faced. Bold-faced dots separate the word into syllables. Pronunciation appears in parentheses after the entry word. Accent marks indicate primary and secondary stress on syllables. Abbreviations for parts of speech are in italics. Definitions are given for each part of speech. PP 1-3a
The Dictionary Word histories (designate sources of words) continued The Dictionary Word histories (designate sources of words) Status labels (describe words that are no longer or never were standard English) Irregular grammatical forms For example, the irregular forms of the verb sit—sit, sat, sitting Abbreviations Synonyms (same meaning) Antonyms (opposite meaning) PP 1-3b
Office Reference Manual Abbreviations Business document formats Capitalization rules Commonly misspelled and misused words Grammar usage Number usage PP 1-4a
Office Reference Manual continued Office Reference Manual Proofreading and editing Punctuation rules Spelling rules Technology and document production Word division Written communication styles PP 1-4b
Company or personal guidesheets Electronic dictionary or thesaurus Other References Thesaurus Company or personal guidesheets Electronic dictionary or thesaurus substitute words parts of speech company recommendation personal trouble areas user selects words PP 1-5
Proofreaders’ Marks Proofreader’s Marks Draft PP 1-6
Proofreaders’ Marks Formatting Errors Keyboarding Errors Page numbers, enumerations, agreement of labels on illustrations and text references, spacing Keyboarding Errors Transposed letters and figures, errors in typical spots (missing syllables, double letters), zeros in figures Grammatical Usage Capitalization, punctuation, complete sentences, slang or trite expressions, overused words, accurate choice of words PP 1-7
Proofreading Procedures Alone With Another Person Read from right to left. Read copy word for word. Decrease your rate of reading. Proofread when there is less noise and activity. Proofread after a break. One person reads the original; second person checks the new copy. Read all capital letters and marks of punctuation. Ask a coworker to proofread your work. PP 1-8
Electronic Proofreading Proofread in blocks. Use the eraser side of a pencil as a pointer on your screen. Use the spell checker and grammar checker. Check references to page numbers within the text if you revise or move copy. Visualize the finished product. Add words to your software dictionary. Take frequent breaks to rest your eyes. PP 1-9
Spelling Improvement Techniques Maintain a troublesome words list. Be aware of exceptions to the rules (mispronounced words or confusing spellings of words). Take advantage of the school’s learning resource center. Memorize troublesome words Use mnemonic devices Think of a goose with a feather loose. Study spelling rules. Use a dictionary. PP 1-10
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