Maryville Spoofhounds Football Head Coach: Chris Holt Email: Cell Phone: (660) 626-5136
Maryville Spoofhounds Football No Huddle System
Why No Huddle??? Increases the number of offensive plays. Allows for more reps at practice. Provides the ability to audible on every play. Reduce the number of bad plays. QB does not have to change the play. You are always in the 2 minute drill. Limits the defensive package. You can control the tempo of the game.
Considerations What offensive system do you run? How do you want to signal in your plays? Hand Signals Colors and Numbers Combination of Signals, Colors and Numbers Audible – Who will change the play? Coaches Players
Our System Limits Our Checks Formations, Personnel Groups, Special Plays We flip flop our offensive line (Strong side & Quick side) We do not change formations when making a check
We Flip Flop Our Offensive Line Y ST SG C QG QT X Z QB FB H Liz 187 Down 129 Sweep 134 Counter XX 183 Tackle Trap 123 Trap 183 Boot Pass Liz 189 Keep Pass 170’s (3 Step) 189 Waggle, Y Out Y QT QG C SG ST X Z QB FB H Liz 129 Rocket 184 Belly Liz 122 Rocket 188 Belly Sweep 129 Waggle
We Do Not Mirror Our Formations Y ST SG C QG QT X Z QB FB H 129 Sweep 134 Counter XX Liz 187 Down 123 Trap Liz 189 Keep Pass 170’s 189 Waggle, Y Out X QT QG C SG S T H QB Z FB H 228 Sweep H 235 Counter XX Z 289 Jet Pitch H 222 Trap H 286 Down Z 229 Waggle Z 289 Dump, X(Route)
Play Calling Procedure We will voice or signal a color and a number. The team will line up at the LOS. (Offensive lineman must keep their hand off the ground) The offensive press box coach will check the defense. If we like the play call, we will signal roll, roll. If we want to check, we will voice or signal a new play and go with it no matter what.
Wrist Band Example Red Black Gold White Blue Green 1 Liz 185 Belly 1 Liz 122 Rocket 1 123 Trap Sucker 2 H 228 Waggle 2 H 228 Sweep 2 Liz 189 Keep Pass 3 134 Counter XX 3 Z 282 Sally 3 Z 289 Jet Pitch 123 4 H 222 Trap Sucker 4 129 Wagggle X Go 4 H 222 Trap 5 284 Belly 5 Liz 491 Steel 5 Liz 129 Rocket 6 Z 289 Dump X Slant 6 Z 289 Jet Pitch 231 6 184 Belly 7 129 Sweep 7 428 Sweep 7 188 Keep Pass 8 Z 489 Jet 8 Z 228 Wag. Y Screen 8 H 228 Rocket 9 129 Waggle 9 123 Trap 9 H 228 Waggle X Go 10 288 Keep Pass 10 Liz 489 Zone Pitch 10 184 Belly 11 Liz 491 Fox 11 Z 229 Waggle 11 H 228 Rocket 12 188 Belly Sweep 12 Liz 187 Down 12 129 Sweep 13 462 Google Y Drag 13 491 X Out 13 Z 489 Dump X Go 14 Z 223 Trap 14 129 Wag. H Screen 14 H 228 Sweep 15 Z 289 Jet Pass 15 H 235 Counter XX 15 Z 289 Dump, X Fade
DATE: 2008 Fair Grove - State Semi Finals Play Groupings 3 - 4 Cover 3 3 - 4 Cover 3 Slide Cover 3 1 129 Sweep (X) Gold/Green 5 123 Trap Black/Blue 3 129 Sweep a 134 Counter XX Red/White 2 2 Liz 145 Dive Red/White 12 b 123 Trap (3-4) 3 Z 223 Trap Black/Blue 6 c 137 Power (X) Gold/Green 12 4 H 222 Trap Red/White 15 Z 229 Sweep Red/White 6 d Liz 145 Dive (X) 5 Liz 229 Jet 123 Green/Gold 5 Liz 247 Dive Keep Green/Gold 3 e Liz 145 Dive Follow (X) Black/Blue 11 6 Rip 144 Dive Black/Blue 9 Liz 289 Jet Pass Green/Gold 13 f X 137 Power Pass Green/Gold 7 7 Liz 129 Rocket Green/Gold 11 Wing 236 Power Red/White 5 g Rip 128 Waggle Red/White 7 8 Rip 192 Z Arrow, X Curl Green/Gold 4 Wing 236 Power Pass Green/Gold 15 H 228 Sweep Black/Blue 14 9 Wing 234 Base (Z) Z Wing 282 Sally Black/Blue 5 Green/Gold 2 10 Wing 235 CTR XX Black/Blue 7 11 Wing 233 Trap Red/White 3 Z 229 Waggle (Slide) Black/Blue 1 12 Liz 122 Rocket Black/Blue 2 Wing 236 Power (Rip) 13 Rip 146 Dive Keep Red/White 10 Wing 235 Ctr. XX 14 Liz 245 Dive Black/Blue 13 Green/Gold 9 Z Wing 289 Jet Red/White 1 Shots Wing 236 Power Pass (Rip) H 361 Y Slant, X Wheel Black/Blue 10 Rip 146 Dive Keep (Slide) Liz 282 Sally Red/White 13 Liz 378 Green/Gold 14 2 Point Plays Rip 192 Z-Arrow X-Curl Rip 144 Dive Follow (3-4) Red/White 14 129 Waggle Called Rip 192 Y Screen Black/Blue 12 H 228 Waggle H Screen Green/Gold 8 338 Sweep Red/White 8 2nd Half Run 384 Base Pitch Red/White 11 Z 334 Dive Black/Blue 4 Z Wing 289 Jet Pass Green/Gold 10 Z 328 Jet Red/White 4 Liz 361 Y-6, Z-2, S-1 Black/Blue 15 2nd Half Pass 333 S Trap Black/Blue 8 Rip 392 Z Arrow, X Curl Green/Gold 6 H 385 Base Read Green/Gold 1 Z 362 S Delay, Y Post Liz 372 Red/White 9
Play Call Example
Audible Example
What has the no huddle done for us? 46 Plays Per Game 5.2 Yards Per Play 260 Yards Per Game 118 First Downs 17 Points Per Game 56 Plays Per Game 7.9 Yards Per Play 398 Yards Per Game 158 First Downs 36 Points Per Game 2006 Season 2008 Season
Maryville Spoofhounds Football Semi Two Platoon System
Considerations and Questions Staff Size (6 Minimum) – Depends on Scheme. Can your #2 Play on Friday? Experience level of the coaches Our staff members coach 1 position at all levels. (NO FRESHMAN COACHES)
Spoofhound Football Coaches Offensive Coaches RB’s – Chris Holt QB’s – Matt Houchin OL – Jordan Moree WR’s – Jeff Rooney Defensive Staff DE’s – Matt Houchin ILB’s– Nathan Powell DB’s – Grant Hageman DL – David McEnaney
Divide Your Roster Into Three Groups Green Group: All Juniors and Seniors who play both offense and defense. White Group: All Sophomores and Freshman who play both offense and defense. Gold Group: All Freshman through Seniors who play on one side of the football.
2008 Maryville Spoofhounds
Gold Group Make-Up
Weekly Practice Schedule Monday JV and Freshman Game Varsity – Game Plan Installation Tuesday Green Group – Offensive Emphasis White Group – Defensive Emphasis Wednesday Green Group – Defensive Emphasis White Group – Offensive Emphasis Thursday Freshman – Full Practice JV and Varsity – Walk Through Script
Example of Tuesday Practice 3:30 – 3:35 Warm-up & Form Run 3:35 – 3:45 Special Teams Group Work QB’s – Drill Work Leftovers – Shoulder Skills 3:45 – 3:58 Punt and Kick Return – Varsity & JV –vs.- Scouts Freshman Team Run –vs.- Bags 3:58 – 4:00 Break 4:00 – 4:20 Individuals 4:20 – 4:23 Break Holt (RB’s) Moree (OL) Jeff (X’s & Y’s) Matt (DE’s) David (DL) Powell (ILB’s) Grant (DB’s)
Tuesday Practice Continued 4:23 – 4:52 Group Period Offense - Green 4:23 – 4:33 Group Work OL – Sweep and Trap Drill QB’s & RB’s – Run Script X’s & Y’s – Routes 4:33 – 4:43 Assignment Period OL & Y – Run Script Backs & Receivers – Group Pass 4:43 – 4:45 Break 4:45 – 4:52 Team Take off/Screens 3 Plays and Rotate –vs.- Air Defense – White 4:23 – 4:28 Defensive Huddle & Recognition 4:28 – 4:33 Tackling/Pursuit 4:33 – 4:35 Break 4:35 – 4:45 Pass Drops DL – Pass Rush 4:45 – 4:52 Inside Run DB’s Drill Work
Tuesday Practice Continued 4:52– 5:08 Pass Skelly Pass Pro Pass Skelly Pass Rush (Opposite) 5 Min Waggle Scout Def. 1’s vs. 1’s (3’s vs. 3’s) 60’s & 70’s 2’s vs. 2’s (4’s vs. 4’s) One on One’s 5:08 – 5:10 Break 5:10 – 5:20 Defensive Skelly Pass Pro Pass Skelly Pass Rush (Opposite) 5 Min Scout Off. Our Def. 1’s vs. 1’s (3’s vs. 3’s) 2’s vs. 2’s (4’s vs. 4’s) 5:20 – 5:22 Break (Release Freshman)
Tuesday Practice Continued 5:22 – 5:37 Team Offense 1’s vs. 1’s, 2’s vs. 2’s, 1’s vs. 1’s, 3’s vs. 3’s, 1’s vs. 1’s 5:37 – 5:39 Break 5:39 – 5:56 Team Defense 5:56 – 6:00 Condition and Breakdown
Maryville Spoofhounds Football Head Coach: Chris Holt Email: Cell Phone: (660) 626-5136