railways today in the past Jan ILÍK Ministry of Transport, CZ


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Presentation transcript:

railways today in the past Jan ILÍK Ministry of Transport, CZ and tomorrow Jan ILÍK Ministry of Transport, CZ

Role of Railway Transport How does Europe work on rails? „zone 1“: HSR network + densely developed and used conventional lines high mobility of citizens clock-hour timetabling with high frequency railways competitive „zone 2“: significant improvements on conventional lines, first HSL projects clock-hour timetabling high potential for further development of railway system „zone 3“: modernization – so far – without network effects, some lines in poor condition lover mobility of citizens limited offer of connections, sometimes only once/day railway system in a difficult position, no new railway projects „zone 2“ „zone 1“ „zone 3“

Mid-term Strategy modernization of conventional network (completion) better coordination of project across border development of operational concepts and services

Transit Corridors modernization of infra since 1993 (CZ) expected by 2020 – 25 – financing secured completion of main railway trunk lines + other important lines for a higher capacity of network precondition to make rail transport attractive further improvements needed – also on modernized sections – esp. TEN-T a TSI requirements – e.g. length of trains 740 m, new technologies (ETCS) why? to solve problems: low speed parameters capacity problems due to increased demand low project coordination with neighbours needed – „national thinkig“

Czech Railway System increase of passenger (very low ticket prices) 2 types of passenger services: PSO – services covered by public subsidies (not only ČD) open access – since 2011, Praha – Ostrava (350 km), railway shorter than motorway 2011 – 2 operators: ČD, RegioJet 2012 – 3 operators: ČD, RegioJet, Leo Express 2015 – Arriva – commuter and long distance open access Experience: increase of passenger (very low ticket prices) + better on-board services, more connections (train every 30 min.), PR for rail, pressure i.e. improvements of ČD services problems: overlapping networks, short trains (No of seats offered) – track capacity – limited capacity for freight trains, offer reduction during off-peak hours differentiation – from national to international services (Prague – SE Moravia, Prague – eastern SK, Prague – Bratislava TT 2017) further expansion based on cooperation with bus services – easier and cheaper (RJ train – RJ bus, LeoExpress train – LE Bus/Flixbus) ticketing (imcompatibility) shift from competition in the market towards competition for the market planned

Potencial travel time cuts Praha – Budapest: International Projects coordination of activities on cross-border sections Targets by 2025: Praha – Berlin 3 : 40 / 4: 30 (today) Praha – München 4 : 15 / 5 : 50 (4:40 IC Bus) Praha – Nürnberg 3 : 45 / 5 : 10 (3 : 38 IC Bus) Praha – Wien 3 : 45 / 4 : 00 Praha – Linz 3 : 40 / 4 : 50 (4:00 TT2017) Praha – Bratislava 3 : 45 / 3 : 58 Praha – Budapest 5 : 30 / 6 : 45 Praha – Katowice 4 : 15 / 5: 09 Both, infrastructural and operational improvements based on long term bi- or multilateral agreements CZ-AT (2015) ministerial agreement on development of rail infrastructure and services until 2024, CZ-DE to be launched (discussion) Brno Linz modernizace nová trať koncepční řešení Potencial travel time cuts Praha – Budapest: full modernization Praha – Břeclav: app. 20 min modernization Kúty – Bratislava – Štúrovo: app. 30 min improvements Szob – Budapest: app. 5 min terminus at Budapest Nyugati pu: app. 20 min

Further Perspective for Passenger Services ambition: long-term participation of CZ operators and their rolling stock in international services in „zone 2“ why? stabilization of services – international trains = backbone of national services use potential – of international transport and additional source of receipts (competition to flight & road) based on governmental decision / part of market opening plan preconditions: bi- or multilateral and multi-annual agreements among operators (traditional cooperation insufficient) (ČD-ÖBB raijet, ČD-DB Prague – Hamburg, ČD- ŽSSK-MÁV - expected) product approach – guaranteed quality and standardized services (inc. attractive pricing, guaranteed rolling stock, PR, further development of product etc.)

Further Perspective for Freight Services Rail Freight Corridors RFC 7 Orient/East-Med RFC 9 CS Corridor will be part of Rhine – Danube RFC 5 Baltic-Adriatic – no changes RFC 8 North Sea-Baltic – link to North Sea ports – CZ initiative further electrification needed all lines important for freight last mile = where necessary for approved operational concept unification of voltage system – motivation, higher efficiency, coordinated development with SK, TSI ENE (HSR) via Nürnberg – Passau - Wien: DE 15 kV 16,7 Hz AT 15 kV 16,7 Hz HU 25 kV 50 Hz RO 25 kV 50 Hz GB 25 kv 50 Hz RFC7 routing: DE 15 kV 16,7 Hz CZ 3 kV ss/25 kV 50 Hz SK 25 kV 50 Hz HU 25 kV 50 Hz RO 25 kV 50 Hz BG 25 kV 50 Hz further improvements on TEN-T network (740 m) some non TEN-T infrastructure in TEN-T parameters expected

Long-term Strategy development of HS infrastructure and services HSR as a tool of economic strategy/development (keep good national accessibility) sufficient capacity for freight

Hamburg – Wien/Budapest current problems on trunk routes lack of capacity – same infrastructure for all train segments → need of segregation not all directions covered – Praha – Wroclaw low speed parameters → need of new HS/high capacity lines What should be a role of railways in the future? Děčín Ústí n. L. Praha Speed profile after tracks modernization - DE/CZ border - Prague 1916 2016 10

Rapid services RS Rapid Services = high-speed project in CZ – 1995 concept update Why? original concept based on TGV experience (different context), need to meet CZ needs and CE spatial context 2012 – more flexible approach – technical and operational solutions: combination of new and modernized lines for higher speeds more segments of trains operated on new infrastructure – maximize accessibility of rail transport possibility of phasing (step by step) gradual speed increase (time slots) – not necessary to buy VHS trains at the beginning of HS operation RS ≠ railway project but economic one RS 11

RS backbone of rail transport RS for several segments of long-distance and interregional transport: 1. international (ICE, TGV) 2. national (express, IC) 3. interregional (RegioExpress) basic principles: part of long-distance transport in CZ = = no exclusive services interconnection with other modes („exists“ to current network + terminals (integration (train, bus, car, P&R) accessibility for the whole population (more terminals) operation (probably) based on franchise model Long distance HS trains Long distance IC trains Suburban HS trains

RS benefits One Day Trip EXPECTATIONS: Praha/CEE + RS – time accessibility EXPECTATIONS: radical change in spatial contacts – accessibility change within CZ and EU HS suburban railway – commuting up to 1 hour: shift 60-80 km → 150 km HS terminals (RS + regional trains, buses, P+R) = gate to their hinterland capacity increase (issue of urban nodes) elimination of historical pre- conditionalities (e.g. Praha – Brno) – low longitudinal slopes vs. length of lines qualitative shift for sector (Unis, export, know-how) long-term perspective One Day Trip Current and future travel time (half-time realization scenario) RS as the tool for increase of public transport attractiveness and better efficiency of public subsidies given to public transport

How far we are? spatial-technical studies (2014 – 17) detail 1:10 000, covering all technical variants, spatial planning purposes, identification and solving of conflict localities technical study – defining technical standards single construction parts (bridges, tunnels…) where Czech norm and legislation is not available maintenance standards compatibility of tracks and rolling-stock feasibility studies: to be launched in late 2016/early 2017, completion in 1,5 year. HSL Prague – Dresden HSL Prague – Brno – border AT/SK Brno – Přerov (200 km/h) – project phase, construction to be launched in 2019 EGTC Dresden – Prague

Resumé modernization of trunk conventional lines close to finalization new long-lasting development programme needed to stay well connected is priority – we need to follow neighbouring countries where the system already exists or is going to be developed chance for employment and national economy competitiveness increase We need to develop railway system for all… i.e. also for those who could use its services already today but there is only a little chance this idea would cross someone’s mind!

Thank for your attention jan.ilik@mdcr.cz