AGENDA Trainer Notes: Use this slide to introduce the FVRx program, partners, and funding for the program 2
INTRODUCTION A fruit and vegetable prescription program is a nutrition prescription program where healthcare provider give patients a prescription to purchase fruits and vegetables A partnership between Partner Name Funds for this program are made possible by Donor Name Trainer Notes: Use this slide to introduce the FVRx program, partners, and funding for the program 3
HOW IT WORKS Trainer Notes: Use this slide to introduce broadly how the program works. 4
WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Eligible participants are selected by Clinic Name Program starts Date and will run for approximately Number months Trainer Notes: Use this slide to discuss who is eligible for the FVRx program. 5
PROGRAM GOALS Increase consumption of and access to affordable fresh fruits and vegetables Improve health outcomes Support local retailers Trainer Notes: Use this slide to discuss your programs’ goals 6
PROGRAM BASICS Participating individuals and families will be given prescription vouchers by Clinic Name Prescriptions MUST be dated, signed, and contain an ID number Prescriptions are good for fruits and vegetables only and cannot be redeemed outside of the valid dates Lost/misplaced vouchers CANNOT be reissued A maximum of TWO vouchers CAN be redeemed together Trainer Notes: Use this slide to present the basics of your program. 7
WHAT IS ELIGIBLE? YES ✔ ONLY fruits and vegetables NO ✖ NO canned food, jar food, dried or dehydrated food are allowed ✖ NO products from a department other than produce should be rung on the transaction. Trainer Notes: Use this slide to discuss what produce is eligible. If you are limiting the prescription to fresh fruits and vegetables only, make sure this is made explicit. If you are allowing fresh, frozen, and or canned, you will want to note that frozen and canned items should not include additives such as, fats, sugars, or salt. 8
THE PRESCRIPTION Trainer Notes: Use this slide to discuss the the elements of a prescription voucher. Consider inserting an image of a prescription if you have one. You may also want to discuss how staff can ensure the prescription is valid, for example: An ID number is included Dates are valid The amount of the prescription is circled or indicated on the prescription A provider has signed the prescription 9
STEPS TO REDEEMING A PRESCRIPTION The customer notifies the cashier before scanning that they have fruit and vegetable prescription. The cashier separates out ALL fruits and vegetables prior to ringing. ONLY ring fruits and vegetables for the voucher. Each prescription will have an amount on it. Ring the fruits and vegetables until you reach that amount. The prescription acts as a house charge slip – the cashier MUST verify the dates are accurate and verify that you are not charging MORE than the prescription amount. If the amount of the ring is more, tender ONLY the amount of the prescription. The customer must pay for the balance with another payment method. Trainer Notes: Use this slide to walk staff through the steps you have designed to redeeming a prescription 10
REDEEMING A PRESCRIPTION If the entire value of the prescription is not used, let the customer know there is a balance and ask if they want to get more product If they do not, WE DO NOT GIVE BACK any change or cash – we ring the prescription for the smaller order amount only. NEVER ring the prescription for more than the amount indicated. We WILL NOT be reimbursed if we make a mistake! The cashier MUST staple a receipt to the prescription and put the prescription in your cash register drawer. Trainer Notes: Use this slide to explain redeeming a prescription. The example shown is a redemption process that was used for an FVRx program that included a grocery store as the redemption site. See Module 2. Designing a Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program for more information on designing a prescription redemption process and tracking system at brick and mortar stores. 11
DOCUMENTATION OF A PRESCRIPTION PURCHASE Use the BACK of the prescription to run through the register as a check to collect the sale information Staple the prescription and the register receipt together and place in the register draw Cashiers MUST COLLECT the prescription Trainer Notes: Use this slide to discuss the retailer’s procedures for documenting the purchase of fruits and vegetables. 12
RECORDING PRESCRIPTION PURCHASES FOR REIMBURSEMENT The bookkeeper/designated staff receives the redeemed prescriptions. The following data is collected and entered on the Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Invoice: Date of Purchase FVRx ID number Number of Prescriptions Used Total $ Amount Spent Mail the Invoice and prescriptions to: Add Partner Information Here Trainer Notes: Use this slide to discuss how the bookkeeper or designated staff member will record fruit and vegetable prescription purchase data and submit an invoice to reimbursed. 13
PARTNER CONTACT INFORMATION Trainer Notes: Use this slide to list the names and contact details of each partners’ main point of contact. 15