Target Setting at KS3 and KS4
Key Stage 3 Target Setting – Maths and English KS2 Score: 100 End of Y7: 1+ (3) End of Y8: 2+ (3) End of Y9: 3+ (3) End of Y10: 4+ (3) Y11: GCSE grade 5 (2) Key Stage 3 Target Setting – Maths and English KS2 SATs MidYIS Maths and English Targets
Key Stage 3 Target Setting – All other subjects First Subject Key Assessment Key Stage 3 Target Setting – All other subjects KS2 SATs MidYIS Subject Targets except English and Maths
Key Stage 4 Target Setting Prior Attainment at KS3 Key Stage 4 Target Setting YELLIS KS2 SATs G F E D C B A A* ? 1- 1 1+ 2- 2 2+ 3- 3 3+ 4- 4 4+ 5- 5 5+ 6- 6 6+ 7- 7 7+ 8- 8 8+ 9- 9 Subject GCSE Targets
What are the MidYIS, YELLIS and ALIS (Y12) tests? MidYIS, YELLIS and ALIS (Y12) assesses students in key cognitive areas. Cannot overestimate, can underestimate
Vocabulary – word fluency and understanding Examples taken from Y7 MidYIS
Mathematics – logical thinking, manipulating numbers and numerical concepts
Non-verbal ability – recognising shapes, matching patterns, applying spatial awareness and visual intuition
Skills, such as proofreading, and perceptual speed and accuracy
The Individual Pupil Record Standardised scores and a breakdown of Vocabulary, Mathematics and Non-verbal scores Scored are grouped into bands ranked A to D NB. The MidYIS score is not a straight average of the 4 components
Any questions? Further information on the MidYIS, YELLIS and ALIS (Y12) tests can be found on the CEM website: Tonight's presentations and further information on supporting your child will be added to the Academy website early next week.