Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Tuesday Which one of the following is a lie about……? “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.” – Mark Twain HOMEWORK: Start formulating & outlining ideas for your micro-theme: Archetypes in Movies!
Past, Present, Future Tuesday Archetype notes Application of notes to a movie Formative Assessment: Application of Archetype Notes Writing prompts Model micro-themes Archetypes in Movies Micro-theme Formative Assessment Outline your micro-theme MLA format Written micro-theme
Short Stories Through a Critical Lens Tuesday Standard 3. Writing & Composition 2. Ideas, evidence, structure, and style create persuasive, academic, and technical texts for particular audiences and specific purposes Objective: you will be able to identify expected structure and components of the micro-theme/short constructed response. Relevance: By interpreting complex texts, providing evidence, and communicating ideas, we are not only practicing the skills need in any workplace or postsecondary setting, but also we are examining aspects of ourselves and others and how these as well as social and historical events impact the way in which we communicate. By learning to examine situations from different perspectives, we open ourselves to recognizing, understanding, explaining, and judging the ways in which we, as well as others, conduct ourselves, in order to more productively function in an every changing world. Inquiry Question(s) What are five types of critical lenses? How are they defined? How do readers utilize critical lenses to create different interpretations of the writer’s craft? What archetypes exist in this text, and how do they work to create a broader purpose?
Instruction: Review The movie Shrek is an animated movie about a green ogre, Shrek, whose wood-land home becomes a refugee camp of displaced fairy-tale beings; it is a prime example of a journey quest that uses archetypal colors and characters. These archetypes respond to our need to see that all beings can persevere. A quest journey is a common narrative pattern where the hero is looking for something or someone that, when brought back, will restore order or well-being. In order to regain his swamp, Shrek travels along with an annoying donkey in order to bring Princess Fiona to a scheming lord, who wishes himself King. This task will restore his life, his wood-land home, to its previous tranquility. As humans, in an ever-changing world, we seek balance in life, and Shrek’s journey reflects this need. Another archetype found in Shrek is symbolic color. Over time, particular colors have been associated with certain types of characters or emotions or ideas. In this case, the colors help the viewer identify character type. For example, Fiona is often shown wearing green and sometimes blue. The color green typically symbolizes “fertility, renewal and wealth” and blue is “nobility” and/or “tranquility.” These archetypes represent Fiona as a princess but also as a source that can restore order (renewal) to Shrek and the fairy-beings. As viewers, we see her as an innocent and noble character worthy of recue. Through the use of modern computer animation, DreamWorks created a new and endearing twist on an old plot structure. Use of these common archetypes allows even the youngest of viewers to appreciate the need to create and preserve a sense of balance and fairness in the world. Purpose: to demonstrate your understanding of common archetypes. Note how the basic model about the movie Shrek basically accomplishes the following: identifies the genre, movie title and general topic/subject of a movie identifies two to three different, specific archetypes* incorporates the definitions of the archetypes into the analysis gives two to three specific examples from the movie (one for each archetype) that shows the archetype explains how each example fits the particular archetype ends with the purpose /significance of the movie and its use of archetypes * e.g. the quest for identity, or the damsel in distress, or the color green
Instruction: Obtain & Apply We Do Purpose: to identify expected structure and components of the micro-theme response. Tasks: Identify the following by annotating the text with notes and colors Closed Thesis Overall Purpose PIE = Point (topic sentence that introduces ---) Illustration (example of what & how archetype is depicted in the movie Explanation (why this is important) Conclusion (purpose) Outcome: Start outlining your own micro-theme on a movie(s)
Activity: We Do Note & Color Code Structure & Components The movie Star Wars presents three different archetypes: the journey to save the community, the underdog, and the battle over good and evil. These archetypes depict our inner human fears, hopes, and values. One archetype in Star Wars is the journey to save the world from external forces that threaten annihilation. Luke Skywalker must save his galaxy from Darth Vader, and throughout his journey, he encounters many side adventures that give him the skills, tools, and confidence he needs to overcome Vader: he rescues the princess, battles enemies, and destroys the Death Star. In the end, he successfully defeats Vader, saves the galaxy, and is rewarded by becoming a Jedi Knight. Luke’s journey not only satisfies our human desire for adventure, but also reveals our fear of threatening forces beyond our control and our need for heroes to inspire us to greatness. Understanding Luke’s journey also helps us clarify our own journey to restrain or overcome disasters in our apocalyptic world.
Essay Continued… Another archetype is the underdog, the unlikely hero who overcomes a force much stronger than he is. Although Luke Skywalker, a young man with few skills and even fewer life experiences, is afraid of Darth Vader, he reluctantly channels his inner strengths and talents. Be doing this, he learns to use the Jedi Force to discover the power of sacrifice, humility, and confidence so that with the help of his friends, he is able to defeat the ex-Jedi Darth Vader. Luke’s transition from underdog to hero shows how an inexperienced boy can defeat a more powerful foe and inspires us to circumvent our own weaknesses, realize our own inner strengths, and model his behavior to sacrifice parts of ourselves for a greater good. Because of our challenges in oppressive environments, we easily identify with someone like ourselves who channels his courage and overcomes the odds for himself and his people. Finally, the archetype of good overcoming evil is another important idea in the movie. Luke and the rebel alliance represent goodness. They are righteous fighters who risk everything for freedom to defeat Darth Vader who foolishly underestimates their determination and resolve to stand up against evil. Luke’s victory satisfies our need for justice, morality, and decency and also reinforces our understanding of the power of faith and courage. The conquest of good over evil gives us reassurance and certainty that our own convictions can prevail over forces that would subdue or corrupt us. These three archetypes illustrate and reinforce our human desire to control our fate/world, protect it from outside dangers, and fight the good fight.
Formative Micro-Theme Prompts and Rubric 4 Elements of Literary Analyses/ Interpretations Analysis is directly & completely tied to prompt. Analysis summarizes the work to the extent needed to clarify main points but does not retell the work. Analysis expertly explains/elaborates & develops the topic, provides specific supporting examples and quotations from the work itself as well as definitions & clarifications. Purpose of explaining meaning & importance is achieved, deepening the reader’s understanding of the work through particular critical len(s). Word choice is consistent: precise, vivid, and/ or powerful. Organization Begins with a micro-theme opening paragraph that identifies work by title, author & genre within a closed thesis statement, & shares a pertinent purpose/importance through a particular critical lens. Body paragraphs follow PIE (point, illustration, explain & elaboration). Topic sentences relate directly to thesis. Supporting sentences expertly follow topic sentences with varied transitions. Conclusion leaves the reader with a sense of cohesion & memorable, final impression. Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, and Spelling, and Format Few or no errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, or spelling. Title of the work is correctly capitalized & punctuated throughout. Evidence from the work, including quotations, are incorporated correctly and properly cited. Correctly follows MLA format: word processed, double spaced throughout, correct font & size throughout, properly headed and titled, legible & neat. Meets word count requirements. (450-600)
Activity: You Do Prompt #1 Outline Purpose: to demonstrate you understanding of archetypes in a popular movie Task: Write a micro-theme that… Has a closed thesis that… identifies the genre and title of a movie & 3 archetypes Identifies the purpose (P)of these archetypes for the movie as a whole Has body paragraphs that… Identifies 1 of the archetypes Gives illustrations (I) /examples from the movie Explains how each example fits a particular archetypal (E) situation, character, setting, or symbol* look at the explanation/definition of the archetype and incorporate the definitions of the archetypes into your analysis Examines the purpose of each archetype (E) in the movie (what it reveals, shows, does) Has a concluding paragraph that restates the importance of each
Activity: You Do Prompt #2 Outline Purpose: to demonstrate you understanding of archetypes in a popular movie Task: Write a micro-theme that… Has a closed thesis that… identifies the titles of movie 3 movies Identifies 1 archetype that exists in all 3 Identifies the purpose (P)of these archetypes for the movie as a whole Has body paragraphs that… Identifies 1 of the movies (P=point) Gives illustrations (I) /examples from the movie Explains how each example fits a particular archetypal (E) situation, character, setting, or symbol* look at the explanation/definition of the archetype and incorporate the definitions of the archetypes into your analysis Examines the purpose of each archetype (E) in the movie (what it reveals, shows, does) Has a concluding paragraph that restates the importance of each
Release & Review HOMEWORK: Start formulating & outlining ideas for your micro-theme: Archetypes in Movies!
Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Wednesday Which one of the following is a lie about……? “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.” – Mark Twain HOMEWORK: Finish outlining ideas for your micro-theme: Archetypes in Movies! Be ready to type!
Past, Present, Future Wednesday Formative Assessment: Application of Archetype Notes Writing prompts Model micro-themes Archetypes in Movies Micro-theme Formative Assessment Outline your micro-theme Written micro-theme MLA format Printed micro-theme
Short Stories Through a Critical Lens Wednesday Standard 3. Writing & Composition 2. Ideas, evidence, structure, and style create persuasive, academic, and technical texts for particular audiences and specific purposes Objective: you will be able to outline the expected structure and components of your micro-theme/short constructed response on archetypes in movies Relevance: By interpreting complex texts, providing evidence, and communicating ideas, we are not only practicing the skills need in any workplace or postsecondary setting, but also we are examining aspects of ourselves and others and how these as well as social and historical events impact the way in which we communicate. By learning to examine situations from different perspectives, we open ourselves to recognizing, understanding, explaining, and judging the ways in which we, as well as others, conduct ourselves, in order to more productively function in an every changing world. Inquiry Question(s) What are five types of critical lenses? How are they defined? How do readers utilize critical lenses to create different interpretations of the writer’s craft? What archetypes exist in this text, and how do they work to create a broader purpose?
Activity: Develop and Apply Purpose: to show what you know about archetypes in movies Tasks: Using the micro-theme prompt, models and outline, write a draft of your micro-theme Epic Movie Soundtracks Outcome: finished draft ready for word-processing, printing and submitting to
Activity: You Do Prompt #1 Outline Purpose: to demonstrate you understanding of archetypes in a popular movie Task: Write a micro-theme that… Has a closed thesis that… identifies the genre and title of a movie & 3 archetypes Identifies the purpose (P)of these archetypes for the movie as a whole Has body paragraphs that… Identifies 1 of the archetypes Gives illustrations (I) /examples from the movie Explains how each example fits a particular archetypal (E) situation, character, setting, or symbol* look at the explanation/definition of the archetype and incorporate the definitions of the archetypes into your analysis Examines the purpose of each archetype (E) in the movie (what it reveals, shows, does) Has a concluding paragraph that restates the importance of each
Activity: You Do Prompt #2 Outline Purpose: to demonstrate you understanding of archetypes in a popular movie Task: Write a micro-theme that… Has a closed thesis that… identifies the titles of movie 3 movies Identifies 1 archetype that exists in all 3 Identifies the purpose (P)of these archetypes for the movie as a whole Has body paragraphs that… Identifies 1 of the movies (P=point) Gives illustrations (I) /examples from the movie Explains how each example fits a particular archetypal (E) situation, character, setting, or symbol* look at the explanation/definition of the archetype and incorporate the definitions of the archetypes into your analysis Examines the purpose of each archetype (E) in the movie (what it reveals, shows, does) Has a concluding paragraph that restates the importance of each
Instruction I Do Model Closed Thesis: The movie Shrek presents three different archetypes: the quest to restore order, the symbolic color blue, and the character type, the underdog. Purpose/Significance: These archetypes depict our inner human fears, hopes, and values. Point 1 (Topic Sentence): In Shrek, the quest journey is a common narrative pattern where the hero is looking for something or someone that, when brought back, will restore order or well-being. Illustration: In order to regain his swamp, Shrek travels along with an annoying donkey in order to bring Princess Fiona to a scheming lord, who wishes himself King. Explanation: This task will restore his life, his wood-land home, to its previous tranquility. In fact, it will not only benefit Shrek, but all others in the community. Conclusion: As humans, in an ever-changing world, we fear that things may be taken from us or lost. We seek balance in life, and Shrek’s journey reflects this desire.
Release & Review HOMEWORK: Finish outlining ideas for your micro-theme: Archetypes in Movies! Be ready to type!
Center Your Title: Archetypes in Movies Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Thursday HMWK: Have a printed, typed copy of your micro-theme at the beginning of class tomorrow. Student First and Last Name Durland English 8, Period # 0/00/17 Center Your Title: Archetypes in Movies Use Times New Roman, 12 Point Font. Make sure that you have a proper 4-line heading (see above); I don’t care if it is on the right or the left. Make sure that the entire document is double-spaced. If you do not know how to do this, ask me. Note that I have not bolded or underlined anything in the heading or title. After you center your title, don’t forget to set your margins back to the left. Hit “TAB” once to indent each of your five different paragraphs. Make sure that you use italics and correct capitalization for your movie title(s), for example: Star Wars. You should look to write 450-600 words for a micro-theme. SET YOUR PAPER UP USING MLA FORMAT
Short Stories Through a Critical Lens Thursday Standard 3. Writing & Composition Objective: you will be able to demonstrate your understanding of the common archetypes by identify and explaining ones that exist in a movie Relevance: By interpreting complex texts, providing evidence, and communicating ideas, we are not only practicing the skills need in any workplace or postsecondary setting, but also we are examining aspects of ourselves and others and how these as well as social and historical events impact the way in which we communicate. By learning to examine situations from different perspectives, we open ourselves to recognizing, understanding, explaining, and judging the ways in which we, as well as others, conduct ourselves, in order to more productively function in an every changing world. Inquiry Question(s) What are five types of critical lenses? How are they defined? How do readers utilize critical lenses to create different interpretations of the writer’s craft? What archetypes exist in this text, and how do they work to create a broader purpose?
Past, Present, Future Formative Assessment: Application of Archetype Notes Writing prompts Model micro-themes Archetypes in Movies Micro-theme Formative Assessment Outline your micro-theme Written micro-theme MLA format Printed micro-theme Archetypes: Short Story Application Complete a graphic organizer - “Young Goodman Brown” Lens #2 Historical/Biographical Nathaniel Hawthorne
Activity: Apply You Do Purpose: to you will be able to demonstrate your understanding of the common archetypes by identify and explaining ones that exist in a movie Tasks: Lab 257 Use your outline to write your final micro-theme Epic Movie Soundtracks Outcome: Bring your printed copy to class tomorrow!
Center Your Title: Archetypes in Movies Student First and Last Name Durland English 8, Period # 0/00/17 Center Your Title: Archetypes in Movies Use Times New Roman, 12 Point Font. Make sure that you have a proper 4-line heading (see above); I don’t care if it is on the right or the left. Make sure that the entire document is double-spaced. If you do not know how to do this, ask me. Note that I have not bolded or underlined anything in the heading or title. After you center your title, don’t forget to set your margins back to the left. Hit “TAB” once to indent each of your five different paragraphs. Make sure that you use italics and correct capitalization for your movie title(s), for example: Star Wars. You should look to write 450-600 words for a micro-theme. SET YOUR PAPER UP USING MLA FORMAT
Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Friday Which one of the following is a lie about……? “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.” – Mark Twain HOMEWORK: Make sure your Micro-theme: “Archetypes in Movies” is formatted correctly and error free! The deadline is Sunday at midnight. I will accept printed, with the rubric stapled on top, today and at the beginning of class Monday. Anything after this is considered late and penalties apply.
Past, Present, Future Friday Formative Assessment: Application of Archetype Notes Writing prompts Model micro-themes Outline your micro-theme Type & print Written micro-theme MLA format Printed micro-theme Archetypes: Short Story Application Complete a graphic organizer - “Young Goodman Brown” Lens #2 Historical/Biographical Nathaniel Hawthorne
Short Stories Through a Critical Lens Friday Standard 3. Writing & Composition Objective: you will be able to… demonstrate your understanding of the common archetypes by identify and explaining ones that exist in a movie. Relevance: By interpreting complex texts, providing evidence, and communicating ideas, we are not only practicing the skills need in any workplace or postsecondary setting, but also we are examining aspects of ourselves and others and how these as well as social and historical events impact the way in which we communicate. By learning to examine situations from different perspectives, we open ourselves to recognizing, understanding, explaining, and judging the ways in which we, as well as others, conduct ourselves, in order to more productively function in an every changing world. Inquiry Question(s) What are five types of critical lenses? How are they defined? How do readers utilize critical lenses to create different interpretations of the writer’s craft? What archetypes exist in this text, and how do they work to create a broader purpose?
Activity: Apply You Do Purpose: to make sure we are not “playing the paper-clip game.” Tasks: Tania and Ted Terror student models - take a look at what to do and what not to do - note the proofreading function – any volunteers?! After I review some information about, you should be working on one of the following: Proofreading and making corrections to your micro-theme for formatting, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, usage, and mechanics (the lap top cart is available. If we need more, we can check at the Literacy Tutoring Center.) Using a feedback sheet, exchange papers with a peer; complete the sheet for each other. Note the Pet Peeve’s!! This sheet can be stapled to outline and draft work and turned in separately. ASK QUESTIONS! If you are ready, print – then staple the rubric to the top and turn it in! If you are ready, submit to (and check with me that it went in) Outcome: Make sure your Micro-theme: “Archetypes in Movies” is formatted correctly and error free! The deadline is Sunday at midnight. I will accept printed, final copies, with the rubric stapled on top, today and at the beginning of class Monday. Anything after this is considered late and penalties apply. Epic Movie Soundtracks