Paragraph Form When writing a paragraph, there are a few things you need to remember.


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Presentation transcript:

Paragraph Form When writing a paragraph, there are a few things you need to remember.

Paragraph Form When writing a paragraph, there are a few things you need to remember. First, make sure you have a clear topic picked out.

Paragraph Form When writing a paragraph, there are a few things you need to remember. First, make sure you have a clear topic picked out. Next, it’s important to have a good topic sentence so the reader knows what you’re going to write about.

Paragraph Form When writing a paragraph, there are a few things you need to remember. First, make sure you have a clear topic picked out. Next, it’s important to have a good topic sentence so the reader knows what you’re going to write about. Third, you should have some good details in supporting sentences to help show that your idea is right.

Paragraph Form When writing a paragraph, there are a few things you need to remember. First, make sure you have a clear topic picked out. Next, it’s important to have a good topic sentence so the reader knows what you’re going to write about. Third, you should have some good details in supporting sentences to help show that your idea is right. Don’t forget to indent the first line.

Paragraph Form When writing a paragraph, there are a few things you need to remember. First, make sure you have a clear topic picked out. Next, it’s important to have a good topic sentence so the reader knows what you’re going to write about. Third, you should have some good details in supporting sentences to help show that your idea is right. Don’t forget to indent the first line. Finally, write a concluding sentence that restates the main idea and shows the reader you’re finished.

Paragraph Form When writing a paragraph, there are a few things you need to remember. First, make sure you have a clear topic picked out. Next, it’s important to have a good topic sentence so the reader knows what you’re going to write about. Third, you should have some good details in supporting sentences to help show that your idea is right. Don’t forget to indent the first line. Finally, write a concluding sentence that restates the main idea and shows the reader you’re finished. In conclusion, you need a clear idea, supporting details, and a finishing sentence to be a good paragraph.

Paragraph Form Don’t Forget the Title When writing a paragraph, there are a few things you need to remember. First, make sure you have a clear topic picked out. Next, it’s important to have a good topic sentence so the reader knows what you’re going to write about. Third, you should have some good details in supporting sentences to help show that your idea is right. Don’t forget to indent the first line. Finally, write a concluding sentence that restates the main idea and shows the reader you’re finished. In conclusion, you need a clear idea, supporting details, and a finishing sentence to have a good paragraph.