EU peníze středním školám Název vzdělávacího materiálu: C1 – Verbs – Phrasal verbs - WITH Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: ICT13-20 Šablona: III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT. Název sady vzdělávacích materiálů: ICT13 – AJ - 200 sloves (slovesa, fráz. slovesa, slovní spojení) ve 20 tématech pro úroveň C1 Autor: Jaroslava Tůmová Datum vytvoření: 05.04.2014 Garant (kontrola): Marie Zajíčková Ročník: Vyšší gymnázium (4. ročník) Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Téma: Slovní zásoba Metodika/anotace: Frázová slovesa s částicí „WITH“ – osvojení a procvičování Časový rozvrh: 30 minut Zdroje: (Možné uvést v závěru) viz. poslední slide Gymnázium Františka Křižíka a základní škola, s.r.o.
Phrasal verbs - WITH C1
Verbs to practise: come up with do away with kick off with move in with come out with go down with get away with catch up with go out with put up with
Can you guess the meaning of the following phrasal verbs?
come up with
come up with She's come up with some amazing scheme to double her income.
to suggest or think of an idea or plan come up with She's come up with some amazing scheme to double her income. to suggest or think of an idea or plan
do away with STH
do away with STH Computerization has enabled us to do away with a lot of paperwork.
to get rid of something or stop using something do away with STH Computerization has enabled us to do away with a lot of paperwork. to get rid of something or stop using something
do away with SB The doctor was afraid that Betty would do away with herself. Blake was disliked by everyone in the office, and Morse did away with him by firing him.
kick off with
kick off with I'd like to kick off the discussion with a few statistics.
kick off with I'd like to kick off the discussion with a few statistics. If you kick off a discussion or an activity, you start it.
move in with
move in with Jimmy moved in with his brother and shared expenses.
move in with Jimmy moved in with his brother and shared expenses. to take up residence with someone
come out with
come out with It was over an hour before the president came out with an explanation.
come out with It was over an hour before the president came out with an explanation. to say something suddenly
go down with
go down with I think my speech went down well with the employees, don't you?
go down with I think my speech went down well with the employees, don't you? to be received in a particular way
get away with
get away with If I thought I could get away with it, I wouldn't pay any tax at all.
get away with If I thought I could get away with it, I wouldn't pay any tax at all. to succeed in avoiding punishment for something
catch up with
catch up with Will Western industry ever catch up with Japanese innovations?
catch up with Will Western industry ever catch up with Japanese innovations? to reach the same quality or standard as someone or something else
go out with
go out with How long have you been going out with him?
go out with How long have you been going out with him? to have a romantic and usually sexual relationship with someone
put up with
put up with I can put up with the house being untidy, but I hate it if it's not clean.
put up with I can put up with the house being untidy, but I hate it if it's not clean. to accept an unpleasant situation
Do you think the scheme will go ___ with the farmers in the area? She cheated on the test and thought she could get ___ with it. I'd like to kick ___ with a quick look at last month's sales figures They have tried to come ___ with a solution. You never know what the children are going to come ___ with. Greg used to go ___ with Katy. I will not put ___ with your bad behaviour any longer! He's moving ___ with his friends from college. There were rumours that Doug had done ___ with his wife. If you hurry, you should catch ___ with them at the bridge.
Do you think the scheme will go ___ with the farmers in the area? DOWN She cheated on the test and thought she could get ___ with it. I'd like to kick ___ with a quick look at last month's sales figures They have tried to come ___ with a solution. You never know what the children are going to come ___ with. Greg used to go ___ with Katy. I will not put ___ with your bad behaviour any longer! He's moving ___ with his friends from college. There were rumours that Doug had done ___ with his wife. If you hurry, you should catch ___ with them at the bridge.
Do you think the scheme will go ___ with the farmers in the area? DOWN She cheated on the test and thought she could get ___ with it. AWAY I'd like to kick ___ with a quick look at last month's sales figures They have tried to come ___ with a solution. You never know what the children are going to come ___ with. Greg used to go ___ with Katy. I will not put ___ with your bad behaviour any longer! He's moving ___ with his friends from college. There were rumours that Doug had done ___ with his wife. If you hurry, you should catch ___ with them at the bridge.
Do you think the scheme will go ___ with the farmers in the area? DOWN She cheated on the test and thought she could get ___ with it. AWAY I'd like to kick ___ with a quick look at last month's sales figures OFF They have tried to come ___ with a solution. You never know what the children are going to come ___ with. Greg used to go ___ with Katy. I will not put ___ with your bad behaviour any longer! He's moving ___ with his friends from college. There were rumours that Doug had done ___ with his wife. If you hurry, you should catch ___ with them at the bridge.
Do you think the scheme will go ___ with the farmers in the area? DOWN She cheated on the test and thought she could get ___ with it. AWAY I'd like to kick ___ with a quick look at last month's sales figures OFF They have tried to come ___ with a solution. UP You never know what the children are going to come ___ with. Greg used to go ___ with Katy. I will not put ___ with your bad behaviour any longer! He's moving ___ with his friends from college. There were rumours that Doug had done ___ with his wife. If you hurry, you should catch ___ with them at the bridge.
Do you think the scheme will go ___ with the farmers in the area? DOWN She cheated on the test and thought she could get ___ with it. AWAY I'd like to kick ___ with a quick look at last month's sales figures OFF They have tried to come ___ with a solution. UP You never know what the children are going to come ___ with. OUT Greg used to go ___ with Katy. I will not put ___ with your bad behaviour any longer! He's moving ___ with his friends from college. There were rumours that Doug had done ___ with his wife. If you hurry, you should catch ___ with them at the bridge.
Do you think the scheme will go ___ with the farmers in the area? DOWN She cheated on the test and thought she could get ___ with it. AWAY I'd like to kick ___ with a quick look at last month's sales figures OFF They have tried to come ___ with a solution. UP You never know what the children are going to come ___ with. OUT Greg used to go ___ with Katy. I will not put ___ with your bad behaviour any longer! He's moving ___ with his friends from college. There were rumours that Doug had done ___ with his wife. If you hurry, you should catch ___ with them at the bridge.
Do you think the scheme will go ___ with the farmers in the area? DOWN She cheated on the test and thought she could get ___ with it. AWAY I'd like to kick ___ with a quick look at last month's sales figures OFF They have tried to come ___ with a solution. UP You never know what the children are going to come ___ with. OUT Greg used to go ___ with Katy. I will not put ___ with your bad behaviour any longer! He's moving ___ with his friends from college. There were rumours that Doug had done ___ with his wife. If you hurry, you should catch ___ with them at the bridge.
Do you think the scheme will go ___ with the farmers in the area? DOWN She cheated on the test and thought she could get ___ with it. AWAY I'd like to kick ___ with a quick look at last month's sales figures OFF They have tried to come ___ with a solution. UP You never know what the children are going to come ___ with. OUT Greg used to go ___ with Katy. I will not put ___ with your bad behaviour any longer! He's moving ___ with his friends from college. IN There were rumours that Doug had done ___ with his wife. If you hurry, you should catch ___ with them at the bridge.
Do you think the scheme will go ___ with the farmers in the area? DOWN She cheated on the test and thought she could get ___ with it. AWAY I'd like to kick ___ with a quick look at last month's sales figures OFF They have tried to come ___ with a solution. UP You never know what the children are going to come ___ with. OUT Greg used to go ___ with Katy. I will not put ___ with your bad behaviour any longer! He's moving ___ with his friends from college. IN There were rumours that Doug had done ___ with his wife. If you hurry, you should catch ___ with them at the bridge.
Do you think the scheme will go ___ with the farmers in the area? DOWN She cheated on the test and thought she could get ___ with it. AWAY I'd like to kick ___ with a quick look at last month's sales figures OFF They have tried to come ___ with a solution. UP You never know what the children are going to come ___ with. OUT Greg used to go ___ with Katy. I will not put ___ with your bad behaviour any longer! He's moving ___ with his friends from college. IN There were rumours that Doug had done ___ with his wife. If you hurry, you should catch ___ with them at the bridge.
Can you find Czech equivalents? come up with do away with kick off with move in with come out with go down with get away with catch up with go out with put up with
Prepare a dialogue using: come up with do away with kick off with move in with come out with go down with get away with catch up with go out with put up with
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