Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers A presentation by Math Doodles
Vocabulary Words quotient reciprocals greatest common factor (GCF) fraction tenth hundredth
Greatest Common Factor (GCF)
Multiplying Fractions and Whole Numbers _______________________________ Foldable
Multiplying 2 Fractions _______________________________ Foldable
Multiplying Mixed Numbers _______________________________ Foldable
Dividing by a Fraction _______________________________ Foldable
The answer to a division problem
A given number is a reciprocal of another number if the product of the number is one
The greatest number that is a factor of two or more given numbers
A symbol, such as ⅓ used to describe one or more parts of a whole that is divided into equal parts
One out of ten equal parts of a whole
One part of 100 equal parts of a whole