India’s Golden Age
The conquest of India After 400 B.C. India faced constant invasions. News of India's riches spread around the ancient world. India was first conquered by Persia and then my Alexander the Great from Greece. After this time of invasion and conquest India united to stop invaders and create 3 Empires.
The Mauryan Empire India was difficult to unite because of a diverse geography and warring kingdoms. Chandragupta Maurya used his army to drive out foreign forces and unite the kingdoms of India into an empire.
The Mauryan Empire The Mauryan Empire was large and centralized. Chandragupta divided the empire into provinces ruled by governors he appointed. Collected taxes, built roads, harbors to increase trade.
Chandragupta’s rule Crushed any opposition to his rule. Feared assassination. Food was tested prior to eating. Would not sleep in the same bed for more than two nights in a row. Had a secret police.
The Mauryan Empire: The greatest ruler of India Asoka was the grandson of Chardragupta and is considered by historians to be India’s greatest ruler. Inheriets the title of emperor. Battlefield conversion to Buddhism. Horrified by the brutality of war stops any expansion of the empire.
Asoka’s Rule Rejects violence Set’s up pillars inscribed with laws. Tolerant of other beliefs Built Buddhist Stupas Sent out missionaries to spread Buddhist faith. India was united. Peace and Prosperity! Once Asoka died the empire fell apart.
The Kushan Empire After the collapse of the Mauryan Empire a few new kingdoms emerged in the area known as Bactria (Present day Afghanistan) In the first century A.D. a group of nomadic warriors seized control of India and established the Kushan Empire. The Kushans benefited from trade because the silk road ran along the top of India.
The Gupta Empire The Kushan empire came to an end when over run by Persian invaders around 300 AD. In 320 AD a local prince named Candra Gupta (no relation to Chandragupta Maurya) created a new kingdom that ended up becoming an empire. For the next two hundred years the Gupta empire expanded and flourished under capable monarchs that followed the teachings of Buddha. This time period became known as the Indian Golden Age.
India’s Golden Age Literature such as the Mahabharatayana which is the longest poem ever written in ANY language. The poem is about legendary warriors and battles. The most famous mathematician from India is named Aryabhata who is one of the first scientists to ever use Algebra.
It all ended with the HUNS!