Valley Pathways Mrs. Fia’s Class Why Study Mythology? Valley Pathways Mrs. Fia’s Class
What is Mythology? Mythology: the study of myths. Myth: stories that have been handed down from generation to generation, often verbally, in a given society. Myths are often created in order to try to explain some mystery of nature or of human behavior.
What is Mythology? Myths began as religious stories. Many of them prominently feature gods and goddesses. Over time they have lost their religious significance, yet they still remain excellent tales. Today we read ancient myths for storytelling quality rather than for their religious significance.
What are some characteristics of myths? Myths contain: Heroes and heroines Supernatural elements Gods and goddesses Myths: Explain natural phenomena Told orally (spoken)
Which cultures have myths? Every culture has its own mythology Universal symbols and themes appear in different cultures’ myths Greek, Roman, Native American, Celtic, South American, African, and Norse mythology are examples of myths from different cultures
Why did ancient people tell myths? To help explain the unexplainable To explain natural phenomenon To tell about their heroes To explain human nature To teach morals and values
Why Study Mythology? thoughts, beliefs, fears, hopes, dreams. The myths of a society tell us a lot about its people: thoughts, beliefs, fears, hopes, dreams.
Why do we still study mythology? To learn about ancient cultures As inspiration for the arts To teach values and morals For entertainment
Why Study Mythology? HISTORY can tell you facts about a society, but MYTH shows you their personality – their thoughts, beliefs, fears, and hopes. Relying only on only HISTORY to tell you about a people is like reading someone's driver's license instead of meeting him or her face-to-face.
Why Study Mythology? As you read myths from ancient civilizations, it also causes you to think of your own culture. What stories are we leaving behind for generations to come? What do we value? What mark are we leaving on an ever-changing world?
What “Myths” are We Leaving Behind as Clues to Understand Our Culture?
Mythology in Our Culture
Mythology in Our Culture
Mythology in Our Culture
Mythology in Our Culture