World War 2 The devastating effects of world-wide depression and Treaty of Versailles led to rise of totalitarian regimes. German, Italian, and Japanese aggression led to a major war involving most world powers. Following WW2, two superpowers emerged leading to a Cold War.
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World War II
The World After the Great War
Treaty of Versailles Humiliated Germany by forcing to pay reparations, accept guilt, demilitarize, give up land and colonies Reparations left Germany in debt
Treaty of Versailles Established League of Nations: Organization of 42 nations who met to work out problems of world & avoid future wars, BUT… Had no military so League could not enforce any of its laws Did not include US (voted against signing treaty & League of Nations because did not want to be involved in future European problems)
Countries Destroyed Great Britain: After the Great War, England was no longer the leading economic power in the world; war caused large debt & had to borrow from US
Countries Destroyed France: Most of fighting during war took place in France & Germany; war destroyed villages, farms, forests Huge war debts meant that France could not rebuild quickly Built Maginot Line between France & Germany to protect from future invasions
Countries Destroyed Italy: Mad about Versailles Treaty because did not get land on Adriatic Coast Unemployment grew in Italy after the war; led to riots & strikes
Countries Destroyed Germany: New Weimar Republic created at Versailles, but seen as traitors; political instability & military coups threatened overthrow of Weimar government In 1922 Germany declared could not pay reparations Printed more money, led to massive inflation (money value decreased) (1914—4 marks=$1; 1923—4 trillion marks=$1)
Countries Destroyed Russia: By 1921, Russians had experienced the Great War, Russian Revolution, & a Civil War 27 million Russians were killed as a result of these wars Russia’s economy was broke
1919-1939 Between WWI & WWII, the European countries that fought in the Great War were in debt & were slowly able to rebuild The USA & Japan emerged from the Great War with wealth & prosperity because both had traded with Allies during war In USA, the 1920s were a great time
1919-1939 New innovations were made in psychology, physics, art, and transportation: Sigmund Freud created new ideas in psychology; believed that human mind had conscious & subconscious thoughts that affect peoples’ behavior & mental illness
Sigmund Freud
1919-1939 Albert Einstein created new ideas in physics (many disproved Newton’s ideas); believed light traveled at constant speed; believed space & time were not constant, but moved relative to other objects (Theory of Relativity); believed all matter could be transferred to energy (E=mc2)
1919-1939 Pablo Picasso revolutionized art by creating cubism (abstract form of art using geometric shapes) Salvador Dali utilized surrealism in art (using of dream-like images & unnatural objects); based on Freud’s ideas
Pablo Picasso Salvador Dali
1919-1939 Other technological innovations changed human life: Cars became easy to buy & became a common purchase; paved highways built to connect places First commercial air travel Radio allowed people to hear news & entertainment
Economic Depression In 1929, the US Stock Market crashed investors were buying on margin (pay for only part of a stock), lenders called in loans which led to panic; banks collapsed; workers lost jobs (Great Depression in US) No money for investment in Europe; European banks collapsed; led to world-wide economic depression
Affects of Conditions Bad conditions led to rise of totalitarian regimes in Europe: Fascists in Italy under Mussolini Nazis in Germany under Hitler Communists in Russia under Lenin & Stalin