Russia’s and the United Kingdom’s Climate and Natural Resources
Capital Moscow Russia
Location Located in Europe and in Asia Bordered by 14 countries Bordered by the Artic Ocean N of the Caucasus Mountains W Pacific E. of Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine S. of Arctic Ocean
Bordering Countries Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Norway, Poland, Ukraine,
Physical Features European Plains Ural Mts. Volga River Caucasus Mts. Black Sea and Caspian Sea
Climate of Russia Tundra- Cold Short summers, Very cold long winters- Permanently frozen soil. Sub-Artic- Cool summers, long cold winters. Continental Cool Summers- Mild summers, cold winters, four seasons Semi Arid (Steppe)- Dry but not dessert. Hot summers and cold winters. Highland- The temperature varies with the elevation The average yearly temperature is below freezing!
Land Use Land use- commercial farming, forestry, few urban areas. Agricultural Products: grain, sugar beets, sunflower seeds, vegetables, fruits; beef, milk
Industry Producing (Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, Chemicals, Metals) Machinery (Rolling pins, High performance aircraft, space vehicles) Defense industry (radar, missile Production, advanced electronic components), Shipbuilding, road and rail Transportation equipment, communications equipment, agricultural Machinery, construction equipment,
Percent of Land Use Total Land= 17,098,242 sq KM agricultural land: 13.1% arable land 7.3%; permanent crops 0.1%; permanent pasture 5.7% forest: 49.4% other: 37.5%
Natural Resources Coal, natural gas, oil Large deposits of gold, aluminum, diamonds, and iron are mined in the Ural Mountains. Volga River (largest river in Europe) is a major source of hydroelectric power for millions of people.
Exports Vs Imports and Poverty Exports: 285.5 Billion Netherlands 11.9%, China 8.3%, Germany 7.4%, Italy 6.5%, Turkey 5.6%, Belarus 4.4%, Japan 4.2% (2015) Imports: 182.3 Billion China 19.2%, Germany 11.2%, US 6.4%, Belarus 4.8%, Italy 4.6% (2015) Poverty Percent 13.3
Population Density Most people in Russia live in urban areas, around Moscow, in the southwestern/central part of European Russia. The least number of people live in the Northern part of Russia. Most: 250 people/sq mile Least: 0-5 people/sq mile 73% of people live WEST of the Ural mountains