Chapter 13 ~ “The Seven Sacraments” After Jesus died and rose from the dead, he appeared to his disciples and promised them, “I am with you always until the end of the age.”
Chapter 13 ~ Lesson 1 “People see God every day; they just don’t recognize him,” said Pearl Bailey (1918 – 1990), an actress and a singer.
Chapter 13 ~ Lesson 1 These 7 special signs are called From Jesus’ time until today, we, as disciples of Jesus, have received the same promise. Over time the Catholic Church recognized these special rituals as powerful signs of the risen Christ made present to us through the Holy Spirit. These 7 special signs are called S A C R A M E N T S
Chapter 13 ~ Lesson 1 Eucharist Each of the Sacraments is a sign of God present in our lives. A sacrament is an effective sign given to us by Jesus Christ through which we share in God’s life. The 7 Sacraments are grouped into 3 categories. The Sacraments of Initiation are: Baptism Confirmation Eucharist
Chapter 13 ~ Lesson 1 The Sacraments of Healing are: Penance and Reconciliation heals us spiritually. Anointing of the Sick provides strength, hope, and courage to the sick and elderly. Anointing of the Sick Penance & Reconciliation
Chapter 13 ~ Lesson 1 The Sacraments at the Service of Communion are: Through these sacraments we are strengthened to serve God and the Church through service to others. Holy Orders Matrimony
Chapter 13 ~ Lesson 1 Through the sacraments, we receive sanctifying grace. The Holy Spirit works through the sacraments to empower us to live as faithful disciples of Christ. How are you empowered to live as a disciple of Christ? /
Chapter 13 ~ Lesson 1 Can you identify the sacrament represented by each picture?
Chapter 13 ~ Lesson 1 DO NOW Read “What’s the Word” – Chapter 13 Activity With a partner, answer the 2 questions at the bottom of the page. Use the Acts of the Apostles 2:42-47 to help with your answers. This reading is on the back of the activity sheet. Homework – Complete Chapter 13 question sheet for Thursday.