7th KSC Steering Committee Meeting Agenda Item No. 20 Update on ISSAIs on Audit of International Institutions and Audit of Privatisation 7th KSC Steering Committee Meeting Washington D.C. (15 and 16 October 2015) SAI INDIA Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Comptroller and Auditor General of India Background ISSAIs on Audit of Privatisation and Audit of International Institutions had become due for first review in 2013 Erstwhile Working Group on Privatisation, Economic Regulation and Public-Private Partnerships was led by SAI-United Kingdom Erstwhile Working Group on Audit of International Institutions was led by SAI-Norway KSC Chair requested chairs of the erstwhile Working Groups to lead a small group to review ISSAIs for any potential updates Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Update on review of ISSAIs on Audit of Privatisation SAI-United Kingdom declined to lead the small group as they were involved in the original work of developing these ISSAIs SAI-Egypt (one of the members of the Working Group) expressed interest to lead small group for reviewing ISSAIs 5210, 5220, 5230 and 5240 on Audit of Privatisation SAI-Egypt requested responses from all member SAIs of erstwhile Working Group to review ISSAIs on Audit of Privatisation for any potential updates and for willingness to be a member of the review team Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Update on review of ISSAIs on Audit of International Institutions Small group for reviewing ISSAIs 5000 and 5010 on Audit of International Institution is led by SAI-Norway Members are SAIs of Austria, India, South Africa and United Kingdom Three meetings held so far for finalization of above ISSAIs 1st meeting at Oslo, Norway (January 2015) 2nd meeting at Pretoria, South Africa (February 2015) 3rd meeting at Vienna, Austria (April 2015) Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Update on review of ISSAIs on Audit of International Institutions Group decided to replace existing ISSAI 5010 and 5000 with revised ISSAI 5000 and a new INTOSAI GOV 9300 respectively Exposure drafts of revised ISSAI 5000 and new INTOSAI GOV 9300 forwarded to KSC members/observers on 30th July 2015 for comments SAIs of Russian Federation and USA have offered ‘Nil’ comments on above exposure drafts No comments received from other members/observers of KSC Steering Committee despite reminders Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Proposals before KSC Steering Committee To take note of the progress made so far on review of ISSAIs on Audit of Privatisation and International Institutions To approve exposure drafts of revised ISSAI 5000 (in place of existing ISSAI 5010) and new INTOSAI GOV (in place of existing ISSAI 5000) Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Comptroller and Auditor General of India THANK YOU Comptroller and Auditor General of India