Welcome to Beverley High School Year 9 Options Evening Mark Colton Acting Headteacher
What is tonight for? To learn about the Options Curriculum in Years 10 & 11 To find out which courses are available To have an opportunity to talk to staff about the courses available at Key Stage 4 To help in the decision-making process for choosing the right courses for Key Stage 4
Key Stage Four Courses Years 10 and 11 The Core subjects: English Language and Literature (5 hrs) Mathematics (4 hrs) Science – 3 single sciences (6hrs) (Biology/Chemistry/Physics) Modern Foreign Language (2 hrs) (French or German) Religious Education (statutory) (1 hr) PE (statutory) (1 hr)
Option Courses – please select 3 choices + 2 reserves (all 2 hrs) Art & Design: Fine Art Art & Design: Photography Children’s Learning and Development Drama Food Preparation and Nutrition 2nd MFL (French or German) Geography History Computer Science Music PE (GCSE) Product Design Business Studies Textiles
New GCSEs The majority of courses were new from September 2016 and include the following key changes: No coursework/controlled assessment in most subjects Exams at the end of Y11 (a lot of subjects will have 2 or 3 exams) Graded 1-9 where 9 is the highest
Choosing the right course You need to think about … How you prefer to learn What you would like to do when you are 16 years old What you would like to do when you are 18 years old
Ebacc?? English, Maths, Sciences x2, MFL and either Geography or History – all at Grade 5 and above Not compulsory until Sept 18. (Government currently would like 90% of students to study this pathway) Think carefully about selecting Geography or History to allow you access to this selection – you may be competing with students in future who do have this selection of subjects You can also choose both Geography and History should you wish
Reasons for Selecting Optional Subjects I enjoy the subject I’m really interested in the subject and would like to study it in more depth I have researched the course/job I would like to do and know I need this subject I have researched what the course involves and the topics sound interesting I have spoken to my parents/carers/a teacher who recommends this would be a suitable course for me
Filling in the Option Form… Please select the 3 courses you would like as your priorities. It would be helpful if you also added a number 1-3 to indicate your choices in order of preference. Please think carefully about your reserves as you may need to choose one of these if a course is not available.
Please speak to someone The Options Process Option Booklet “live”– Friday 3rd March Option Forms issued – Friday 10th March Options Evening – Wednesday 14th March Option Forms returned to reception by Friday 31st March. It would be valuable if you numbered your 3 choices in priority order 1-3 Please speak to someone if you need help or advice
Be aware… We cannot guarantee the courses you would like to study will run. (depends on numbers) The Option Blocks are constructed by what suits the greatest number of girls and this may mean certain combinations of subjects could be difficult to provide. Please think carefully about your reserve choices as they may allocated to you. It will be May/June 2017 before I can discuss what I am able to allocate
Finally.. Try to find out as much as you can tonight before making any decisions The staff and I will be happy to answer any queries you may have tonight or in the next two weeks.