The Cyprinidea (Minnows) Family By: Billy Richendrfer
In The Family Brief dorsal fin with nine or fewer soft rays, all have smooth scales, and none have true spines There are 16 which include: The Grass Carp, Common Carp, Fallfish, Common Shiner, Spotfin Shiner, Blunt Nose Minnow, Cutlip Minnow, Fathead Minnow, Blacknose Dace, Longnose Dace, and the Central Stone Roller
Common Carp Cyprinus carpio 30 in. long and 10-15 lbs. Mouth- front Two fleshy barbels, Large scales with dark edged, Black spot on base, long dorsal fin with 20 rays, dorsal and anal fins have sharp spine, Back: olive to reddish brown with a silvery-bronze side and a yellow white belly
River Chub Nocomis micropogon 12 ½ in. long 24in. In diameter Mouth- front Small eyes, long snout, Pectoral fins rounded and blunt tipped, fleshy barbel in rear angle of mouth Back: olive-brown Sides: silvery Belly: pale-yellowish
Golden Shiner Notemigonus Crycoleucas 10 in. long /weight Mouth- front Cycloid scales, Scale less hard, single spineless dorsal fin with 8 rays, the anal fin has 11-13 rays and deeply cut Back: olive-brown Sides: gold, belly: light gold