Tuesday, November 15.


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Presentation transcript:

Tuesday, November 15

How the Gospels Developed What are the Gospels? How did they develop? Jesus lived and walked among us, then died. People saw his actions. Eyewitnesses then spread the good news of Jesus (word of mouth) The authors, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote down what Jesus and the apostles did, emphasizing certain details for each community. Gospels: Good News How did they develop – 3 Step Process Tell a story about how they witness me falling face first onto the concreate outside? What would you do – spread by word of mouth what happened to everyone. Then probably later (if you write a journal) write the accounts about what happened. Then explain how this basically happened with the writing of the Gospels.

What are the 4 Gospels? Look at list of Gospel Writings in front of you. What are some things you notice about each Gospel Writer? Which Writer do you think came first? Why? Have students look at what stories are included in each section of the bible. Discuss similarities and differences they see Ask which was written first – Answer is Mark. Mark was the basis for Luke and John, why they are so similar for the most part.

Synoptic Gospels Mark, Matthew, and Luke make up the Synoptic Gospels – present the good news in a similar format. Each of the synoptic Gospels include Parables: Parables are –short story with a message. Ask students what Synoptic means before showing slide. Explain how the synoptic gospels usually included parables. Meant to teach each of us a message. To Understand the viewpoint of each Gospel, one must understand the history that was occurring during each Gospel.

Look in your Bible at the Synoptic Stories in the Gospel about Jesus Healing a Paralyzed Man. Read Matthew 9 1-8, Mark:2: 1-12 and Luke 5: 17-26. How are these accounts alike? How are they different? Though they are all slightly different, they all emphasize the good news of Jesus.

Mark Who is it written for? Gentiles- Non-Jewish Christians When was it Written? 65 AD – little over 30 years after Jesus died What was happening? Christians at this time are being killed by Emperor Nero – burned, eaten by lions, etc. Saint Peter and Paul are killed during this time. Concern that Christian leaders were dying out, so they decide they need to write down the history!

Shortest Gospel (16 chapters). Jesus always on the move. Jesus is portrayed as someone who suffers/experiences full range of emotions in Marks Gospel. Look at (Mk 1:41 and Mk 3:5) Did this on purpose to connect with the Gentile Community who was suffering! –Mk 1:41 and Mk 3:5 - Jesus shows Compassion and also does not care for those who do not show emotion for others

Matthew -2nd Gospel Writer Who is it written for? Jewish Christians When was it Written? 80 AD What was happening? Jewish Christians were not sure if Jesus was really the Messiah. Matthew wrote his Gospel to connect to these communities.

Connection to Abraham, Moses, and King David. Emphasizes the Jesus is the Messiah. Discusses Jesus’ Origin, unlike Mark. Connection to the Messiah. Connection to Abraham, Moses, and King David. i.e Herod jealously and hatred force Joseph and Mary to leave. Similar to how the Pharaoh fears the Jewish people and Moses and forces them to flee. Jesus is seen as a reflective teacher. Not in constant motion like Marks. Teacher – 8:9. 9:11. 12:38. 19:16. 22:16. and many many more!)

Luke 3rd Gospel Writer Luke – Greek Convert. Who is it written for? Greek Gentiles When was it Written? 80 - 85 AD   What was happening? Gentile Christian Communities were continuing to grow, what should they do? Luke wrote his message saying that all Christians were to mirror the mission of Jesus.

How is Jesus Like in Luke’s Gospel? Jesus is seen as a compassionate and forgiving person. Challenges the way things are. Only one to include stories about lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son all parables about forgiveness to all human kind. In all Good news for Everyone. – Mentions Women and Outcasts, only one to do so!

John ( 4th and Final Gospel) John is unique for a Gospel writer. Does not focus around parables and wrote a different version of Jesus than the Synoptic Gospel Writers. Who is it written for - Everyone When was this written? 90 AD What is happening during this time? During this time Christian communities were in conflict with each other (Gentile vs. Jewish – Christian Communities). Wanted to stop tension.

John Cont Wrote heavily about the Mystery of Incarnation. – Son of God became man. (2nd Person of the Trinity) Jesus is one with the Father, God’s Voice. – Word of God. Again Jesus is the son of God, but also the same. Part of the Blessed Trinity.

John Cont Jesus Miracles meant to show he is the son of God. Also, that he is holding authority- he knows what is going to happen. Examples: John 19: 10 – 11. -Knows that the he is going to be arrested, ask who are they looking for, say I AM. Pilate says don’t you know my power, I can kill you. Jesus responds you would not have that power if it were not for me.

John Conclusion Full of Love and Understanding – New Commandment. Love you Neighbor as yourself Mentioned to end tension with the Jewish Christian and non-Christian Communities.