SELECTION CRITERIA FOR DAM CONSTRUCTION METHODS Building on Our Growth Opportunities May 27 – 30, 2015 Miser sur nos opportunités de croissance REGINA, SK SELECTION CRITERIA FOR DAM CONSTRUCTION METHODS Mohamed Darwish, PhD, PEng Michael Thomas, BSc Karim Wadeih, BSc Nour Eldeeb, BSc Mohamed Assy, BSc Amr Eweida, BSc Shady Wadie, BSc Michael William, BSc Amr Ali, BSc Presented by: Mohamed Darwish, PhD, PEng
Introduction Types of Dams Arch Dams Gravity Dams Arch-Gravity Dams Buttress Dams Embankment Dams Barrages Introduction
Dam Construction Methods Conventional (In-the-dry cofferdam construction) Filled Cellular Sheet Pile Cell Construction Roller Compacted Concrete Method Float-In Construction
Conventional Method (In-the-dry cofferdam construction) A sheet pile cofferdam used to construct a lock in-the-dry in Nashville, Kentucky, USA (Tucker, 2012).
Conventional Method (In-the-dry cofferdam construction) Construction method steps: 1 Divert the water stream into a temporary alternative route. 2 Construct the upstream cofferdam 3 Construct the downstream cofferdam 4 Dewater site and remove the loose rock and rubble from the site area 5 Construct the plinth to act as a foundation or connection between the dam and the valley walls and floor. 6 Finally the dam body itself is constructed in-the-dry like any typical structure
Advantages & Disadvantages Time-consuming and effort-consuming specially for larger dams. Disturbs ecology during construction (In-the-dry). Concrete dam construction should include temperature reduction mechanisms for large concrete volums. Advantages Easy construction Safe due to working in-the-dry Cofferdams could be dismantled after construction (if made of sheet piles) hence minimizing the sheet pile material cost. Equipment & materials needed are readily available Known for most of contractors.
Cellular Sheet Piles Wet method Two types: Circular and diaphragm Applications: Deep maritime locks Harbor front structures Cofferdams Dry docks
Methodology 1 Pre-dredge to remove soil or soft sediments and level area. 2 Main cells are pitched using a template (reusable) 3 Drive the sheet piles in the main cells 4 Fill the main cells 5 Pitch the connecting arcs between two completed main cells, using a template 6 Drive the connecting arcs 7 Fill between the main cells
Advantages & Disadvantages Some skilled labor needed to perform welding between cells and arcs If rushed, sheets can be driven out of locks or out of plumb It is very difficult to dismantle hence the cellular cofferdams will remain as part of the dam body Advantages Cells can be filled immediately after being built regardless of relative height of fill in adjacent cells (independent) Easy construction Filled cells can be used as working platforms for installing new cells. (ex. cranes) Equipment & materials needed are readily available Cell could be constructed in the water, no need for dewatering Cost could be minimized if site circumstances are good
Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) dams Construction Defined as concrete compacted by roller compaction. Thus the concrete must support the weight of full-sized compactor in its unhardened state. (ACI 207.5R-89) Developed and first applied in 1974 in the U.S. Offers improvements in cost, time and risk Applied only with ‘In-the-dry’ method of dam construction
RCC- Construction Method Flowchart Spreading: Transportation: Compacting: Concurrent Activities P.K. Mehta and P.J.M. Monteiro, Concrete: Microstructure, Properties, and Materials
Advantages & Disadvantages Disturbs ecology during construction (In-the-dry). Requires availability of large quantities of aggregate The layer method allows for little room for error when compared to the conventional method. Limited to areas with non-alkaline soils. Needs efficient compaction. Advantages Relative ease of construction since it is in the dry. Cost: 25 to 50% less than conventional concrete Formwork cost: lower because of layer placement. No pipe cooling required low heat of hyrdration. Rapid Construction: 1-2 years less than regular mass concrete dams
Float-in Construction Uses prefabricated steel or precast concrete Steel or concrete segments are placed alongside each other Dam is constructed without the need for dewatering
Methodology Construct precast concrete/assemble segments Dredging of the site for foundations Launching facilities Flood casting basin to move segments by means of floating Attach segments to foundations Grout and infill with tremie concrete
Advantages and Disadvantages Extensive planning and site preparation Needs special equipment to transport and place the segments. Difficult to construct, needs highly skilled labors and experienced contractors Limited to locations with soils of large bearing capacities Sensitive to weather conditions and water currents. Advantages Can offer cost and schedule savings for larger dams Reduction in environmental impact as it doesn’t need rerouting the river Flexible Design
Filled Cellular Sheet Pile Roller Compacted Concrete Selection Criteria Construction Method Conventional Filled Cellular Sheet Pile Roller Compacted Concrete Float-In Cost Cost-saving for small and medium dams Cost-saving for medium and large dams Cost-saving for large dams Risk Low-Medium risk Higher risk Highest risk Materials Concrete, steel, sand, gravel or soil Precast Concrete or Steel and Tremie Concrete Equipment Simple Requires special equipment Labor Semi-skilled Skilled Highly skilled Construction Speed Slowest Medium Fastest Recommended Dam Size Small – Medium Medium – Large Large Soil Type Applicable for most of soils Not recommended for alkaline soils Limited to soils with high bearing capacities
Case Study 1
Case Study 1 Cont’d Method statement phases: 5 years (1993 -- 1997) Preparation period and first stage construction. 6 years (1998 -- 2003) Construction of the main (right) part of the dam 7 years (2004 -- 2009) Construction of the left part, ship lifter and completion of all turbines. Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Case Study 1 Cont’d Construction sequence flowchart Divert river flow Reinforcement 1 8 Construct coffer dams Pouring Concrete 2 9 Pump water out of enclosed area 3 Repair the soil with grouting 4 Test soil 5 Divide the dam into section 6 Formwork 7
Case Study 1: Method Evaluation Using the float-in technique was impossible due to: Low soil bearing capacity that couldn’t support the dam sections installed. High water currents creating high risks while installing the segments. Using RCC was risky due to uncertainty in soil chemical activity. Using in-the-wet cellular cofferdams would have been risky in high water currents Hence, the conventional method was the only alternative left.
Floating the dam segments (Bittner-Shen Inc., 2013). Case Study 2 Braddock Dam Location: Pittsburgh, PA, USA Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Budget: $107 Million Duration: 5 years Size: 32 m x 182 m Weight: 20600 tons Method used: Float-in Floating the dam segments (Bittner-Shen Inc., 2013).
Case Study 2: Applied Method The two dam segments were casted in a casting basin off-shore. Simultaneously, foundations were installed in the site. The segments were launched and dragged. The segments were placed in their exact locations. The bottom segments compartments were in-filled with concrete and while the segments were grouted to the foundations.
Case Study 2: Method Evaluation Existence of sandstone layer at a depth attainable by short piles eased the use of this method as if that layer was deeper maybe using an in-the-dry method would have been better. The presence of an old dam (went out of service after constructing this newer one) near the location helped in controlling the water currents. Additionally, the consultant and contractor had the know-how which is the most important element when applying this method.
Conclusion When examining the methods applied in the two cases discussed in this paper against the developed selection criteria, the selection criteria proved that it covered the different aspects governing the selection of the most suitable methods for different dam construction cases. It is highly recommended when using the selection criteria matrix to take all the factors governing the method selection into account as neglecting some of them could cause real problems.
Acknowledgements Department of Construction and Architectural Engineering in the American University in Cairo. The British Dam Society Bittner and Shen Inc.
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