Quality management in the Central Statistical Office of Poland the main areas and results (good practices) Monika Bieniek Workshop on Implementing Efficiencies and Quality of Output Geneve, 27-29 Septemebr 2017
Contents Quality management framework in the CSO Holistic approach to quality management Organisational structure vs.quality management Improvement of staff competencies Risk management Improvement of the efficiency of statistical processes Communication with users – a client-oriented approach Final remarks
Quality management framework Internal regulations Other - Strategic documents - Annual action plan on improving quality Standards in Quality Management System
A to quality management Main areas Quality Management structure Human resources mangement Risk management Statistical processes Communication with users
Quality management-structure Scientific Statistical Council Top management The Methodology, Standards and Registers Department (MS) The Programming and Coordination of Statistical Surveys Department (PK) The Organisation and Personnel Office (BOK) The Office of the President (GP) - internal audits The subject-matters departments Regional Statistical Office in Łódź Regional statistical offices according to their specialization Methodological Commission
Organisational structure vs.quality management Flexible approach to the organisational structure Temporary horizontal structure for specific tasks (numerous team works) Benefits: improvement of communication within the whole organisation constant enrichment and providing comprehensive knowledge to the employees synergy effect building the new competencies & positive relationships
Improvement of staff competencies Individual Professional Development Program (IPDP) a tool for improving employee competencies basis for directing the employees to training identification of training needs taken into consideration in the development of the annual Statistical Education Plan
Improvement of staff competencies Statistical Education System in the CSO – an instrument supporting skills upgrading process The annual Statistical Education Plan created on the basis of IPDP, expressed training needs, priorities of the organization Internal & external trainings (including e-learning), conferences, scientific seminars ... Inner Trainers Resort Program - talented, experienced, committed and willing employees Educational System – IT tool
Statistical Education System panel of superior my development Statistical Education System traditional training my profile e-learning
Improvement of staff competencies Benefits: the employees constantly improve their qualifications, skills and competencies full access to the comprehensive training offer of high quality (systematically expanded and adjusted to current needs) improvement of knowledge transfer between employees allows to match employee competencies to new challenges which the organization has to face effective and optimum management of resources within the framework of budget
Risk management Introduced in 2015 Concerns the whole organisation (the CSO & 16 regional statistical offices) assumes regular control and identification of potential internal and external threats to the planned activities, simultaneously ensuring the flow of information on the subject. enforces top and middle management to develop a preventative action plan supports prioritization in response to risk, changes in organizing the work of units and allocation of human resources based on the findings of the Risk Register
Improving efficiency of statistical processes- exemples Measurement, evaluation and monitoring of the quality of statistical surveys completed quality reports with quality indicators (database of quality reports) quality reviews of statistical surveys
Quality review team Data users
Improving efficiency of statistical processes- exemples Quality reviews - supporting IT tools database of quality reports - enables the analysis, evaluation and qualitative comparisons database of quality review reports collects documents, including the reports prepared after the reviews; provides the possibility to monitor implementation of recommendations
database of quality reports
database of quality reports
database of quality review reports
database of quality review reports
database of quality review reports Good practices
Improving efficiency of statistical processes- exemples Statistics Metadata System (SMS) – ensures: consistency and standardization of metadata at every stage of the statistical process coherence conceptual, categorical and methodological between surveys better coordination and standardization of statistical processes
Improving efficiency of statistical processes- exemples SMS Integrates metadata in standard structures Possibility to create models of metadata linked to each other in order to ensure coherence of the total system The place of storage of all metadata (in the Metadata Repository) Tasks: designing metadata structures, collecting metadata and their dissimination Functions: metadata management, classification server management, authorisation management, metadata dissimination SMS available internally and externally for other producers of statistics
Improving efficiency of statistical processes- exemples SMS – enables: creation and modification of structures to describe metadata and their mutual interrelations, collection of metadata by many users in different models (areas), integration of metadata, their unification, organization (priorities) and avoiding redundancy, management of metadata used not only by CSO, but also by all other ministries conducting surveys within the framework of official statistics, publishing selected content on the CSO website (e.g. terms used in official statistics).
Communication with data users Social media Twitter (https://twitter.com/GUS_STAT) the followers: public institutions, business entities, and individuals a perfect tool to announce briefly the latest data and publications and refers to the full content of surveys and studies in the Information Portal the hashtags are used quiz questions and puzzles You Tube „one short film > a thousand words” Promotional spots and recordings of CSO published on the channel “Central Statistical Office CSO” Regional statistical offices post videos of interesting events such as competitions, lectures, open days
Communication with data users Social media Facebook to present the “human face” of the Office to enhance interactivity with our users (employee videos, experts chats, surveys and contests encouraging to react) to increase the number of visits on CSO Information Portal to show that knowledge of statistics is useful in everyday life and the CSO is a modern and reliable office texts longer than 140 characters
Communication with data users Infographics visually attractive and often contain interesting facts on a chosen subject not of expert nature and their understanding does not require specialized knowledge also posted on Twitter Selected Infographics translated into English and forwarded (one a month) for publication on the „European Statistics” website on Facebook
Communication with data users Other exemples of client-oriented approach: call centres, “scientist” work place in CSO & each regional statistical Office, information services, helpline, Information Searching System (a tool providing easy access to statistical information resources available in other offices and institutions in Poland and to some extent in the world), involvement of data users in quality reviews of statistical surveys, public databases (e.g. STRATEG - strateg.stat.gov.pl), extensive cooperation with the scientific community
Quality management is an effort of the whole organization reflected in satisfaction of all stakeholders (customers and staff)
Quality is an ideal which cannot be achieved, but which we have to stubbornly strive for.
Thank you for your attention