" Living plants" Орындаған : Қойлық ауылы М.Жұмабаев атындағы орта мектеп ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Ж.Т.Мамбеталиева
poppy daisy snowdrop daffodil bluebell dandelion rose Translate from English into Kazakh snowdrop daisy poppy dandelion daffodil rose bluebell
Look at the pictures and name the words Snowdrop
Write a short composition grows, beautiful, garden, colours, red, favourite, rose, tulip.
Rose The Song of the Rose Fairy Best and dearest flower that grows, Perfect both to see and smell; Words can never, never tell Half the beauty of a Rose- Rose
Daisy Buttercups and Daisies Buttercups and daisies – Oh the pretty flowers, Coming ere the springtime To tell of sunny hours. While the trees are leafless,its paly gold While the fields are bare, Daisy
The Song of the Tulip The tulip grows in the garden , It’s like all children, It grows in early spring. It’s red and yellow colour, It’s my favourite flower!..
Morning glory Read and translate Flowers played an important role in the history of England too. One of them is Red Rose. It is the floral symbol of this country. Earlier, it decorated the arms of the House of Lancaster. The Lancastrians argued for the throne of England with the Yorkists whose arms had a white rose. It lasted 30 years. When the Lancastrians won the war in 1485, their arms of the Red Rose became the symbol of the whole England. Morning glory
Answer the questions 1 Do you plant flowers? 2. When do you usually plant flowers? 3. Where do you usually plant flowers? 4. What’s your favourite flower? 5. Do you water it? 6. How often do you water it? 7. What kind of flowers do plant? 8. Do you plants at home? 9. Do you like rose ? Why? 10 What kind of flowers do you know? 11When snowdrops does it grow? 12.Do you have a rose at home? 13.Which flowers grows in only spring
А) Tulip B) dandelion C) daisy Test 1. The people of France gave the name DENT’De LION. Which flower is in? А) Tulip B) dandelion C) daisy 2. Translate this word from English into Russian “filter” А) бөлме B)гүлге арналған ыдыс C)сүзгіден өткізу 3. A pot flower А) гүлге арналған ыдыс B) құмыра C)гүл 4. Which flowers have the sent? А) Rose B) poppy C)daisy 5. Which flower grows in early spring? А) Tulip B) snowdrop C)daffodil
Rose Poppy Bluebell daisy snowdrop Dandelion Tulip Flowers
ФИО Work with poster compos ition Read poem Read the text Check yourself № ФИО Work with poster compos ition Read poem Read the text Answ er the questi ons Test Com mon
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