General Chemistry I Lab Chem V01AL – Instructor Nick Blake
Course Objectives learn the principles of safe handling of chemicals and apparatus and demonstrate this knowledge through practice make accurate measurements and observations and record them in correct fashion accurately process his or her data and weigh his or her observations to reach scientifically correct conclusions apply the theoretical knowledge he or she has learned in the Lecture to the solution of practical problems which are presented in the experiments
Required Equipment Chemistry 1A Laboratory textbook (VC Bookstore and online @ Safety goggles (bookstore or HomeDepot/Lowes Student Notebook Scientific Calculator (trigonometric functions, logs, exponentials etc)
Class Policies must be here on time, attendance at every class is mandatory unless told otherwise You cannot use a part-time job or some other obligations as an excuse for not attending class on time or for staying the entire 3 hours You must read through the experiment before class on the first day of the experiment Missing two weeks of class is grounds for being dropped If you miss a class, you can only make that experiment up if we are still set up for the experiment
How you are assessed Pre-labs: The prelaboratory assignment is designed to prepare you for the upcoming experiment making sure you understand what you are doing and what is needed to fulfill the experiment objectives. These are due at the beginning of the class on the day your class starts that experiment Lab write-ups/ Post-Labs: The write ups include experimental measurements/observations and calculations of experimental quantities. The post-labs are question that probe your understanding of the experiment. These are due in the class following the completion of that experiment. Unknowns: In the laboratory schedule certain have either a quantitative or qualitative unknown to elucidate, using techniques that you will learn in the class. These test your care to detail and your analytical skills, which are skills vital to an experimental chemist. Lab quizzes : These are given first thing, in the class following the completion of the lab, and are based on the material of the previous lab. Lab final: On the last day of class there will be a final based on the work during the lab portion of the chem. 1a course.
When to hand in work The prelab assignment is due on the day that the experiment commences, it should be handed in to me at the beginning of class. The report sheet on the experiment itself along with the post lab questions should be handed in at the beginning of class on the day that you start the new experiment. The dates of when experiments start and finish is given on the attached sheet. The lab quiz is given at the beginning of the lab class on the day the new experiment is to be started
Grade Assignment Lab Write-ups & Prelabs (pre-labs 5%, reports 25%, post-lab 10%) 40% Lab Quizzes 20% Unknowns/ Lab Technique Lab Final Total 100%