Fear and Loathing of 2fa Igor Bulatenko
How they steal your pass Social engineering Online-bruteforce Server compromise Client compromise
How to choose https://twofactorauth.org/providers/ (Use web.archive.org) Auth methods Flexibility System cover API (auth + admin)
Auth methods Interactive Non-interactive SMS code Token code Phone call code App code Non-interactive Mobile app push Phone call confirmation
System coverage *nix Windows Databases Web apps All others
*nix auth Native 2fa since OpenSSH 6.2 (https://lwn.net/Articles/544640/) Password/keyboard interactive Force command Non native support via pam_radius Bulk actions Server-level switch
Windows Authentication provider Protected methods (local/RDP/winrm/…) Server-level switch
Databases Oracle DB Postgresql Radius auth DB Links IDE multiple sessions Bulk actions User-level switch Postgresql pam_auth
Auth proxy LDAP/Radius Interactive/non-interactive Splitter in password
Common cases Non android/iOS devices Non smartphone devices Bulk actions
Tokens RSA SecureID like HOTP Yubikey