Student Council Meeting September 18, 2017
Google Forms Sign In Code Word: Harvey ms/d/1hlU80vsdiR9CaMiYi fTMCMz3hpV4Y2wmkg1X gAN9UnI/viewform?edit_re quested=true
What is Student Council? SCHS Student Council is a leadership club that invests its time serving the school and community. Members have the opportunity to participate in school events, develop valuable skills and become closer together as a school through service projects. Student Council Leaders: Sahmel, Julie Hueske, Hayley
How do I join this awesome club? Go to the Student Council page on the Summer Creek website. You can find it under the Activities tab on the home page. ms/d/e/1FAIpQLScPdLaeBj U26Bo2sDV3FGibnzjo0G modeg8zfOMtK1PMXCJzw /viewform
Who are your Student Council Officers? President -- Landon Watson General Vice President -- Stephanie McKenzie State Report Vice President -- Kaylie Lyle Secretary -- Shye DeVance Treasurer -- Blayne Adams Parliamentarian -- Savannah Ferrill Historian -- Madison Ferrill Publicists -- Seth Durham
Remind 101 Take Out Your Phones! Remind 101 allows Student Council members to be notified of upcoming events, meetings, and volunteer chances.
How to record StuCo Points ms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdE9LQ93 CULECB1gF8qDCuz3- MYlkDE7HHeIDgPKLCh ATcPpg/viewform
Homecoming 2017! SCHS Bulldogs vs C.E. King Panthers October 13, 2017 Homecoming Dance October 14,2017 SCHS Cafeteria
Greeks at the Creek -- Not the Myth, but the Legend Homecoming Dance 10/14 Greeks at the Creek -- Not the Myth, but the Legend Tickets: Onsale before and after school by Copper 1 and Cafeteria (volunteer opportunities) Online Sales Link will be on Home Page of SCHS website. Prices and Sale Dates: Week of 9/18 -- $20 Monday 9/25- Thursday 10/13 -- $30 At the Door -- $40, CASH ONLY Seniors get to buy first 9/18!
Dress Up Days for Homecoming 10/9-10/13 Monday -- ‘Merica (Red, White, Blue) Tuesday -- Character Day (Disney? Movie?) Way-Back Wednesday (Decades) Thursday -- Team Sports (Jersey/Shirts) Friday -- Spirit Day (School shirts and Maroon)
Court Nominations Online Link will be on SCHS homepage by the end of next week! You must log-in, and each senior can nominate once for Homecoming King and Queen. You are only allowed to nominate in your grade level.