NPHIC Conference Call February 23, 2011
National Public Health Week 2011 Communications Specialist Audrey Pernik Communications Specialist 202-777-2509
National Public Health Week 2011 Theme: Dates: April 4th-10th Website:
National Public Health Week 2011 Daily Themes Monday, April 4th - At Home Tuesday, April 5th - At Work Wednesday, April 6th - At Play Thursday, April 7th - On The Move Friday, April 8th - In Your Community (Public Health Student Day)
National Activities Twitter Chat Injury Prevention Road Tour Capitol Hill Briefing Public Health Student Day Legislative Action
Join @NPHW Twitter Chat Monday, April 4th starting @ 1pm ET Led by APHA Staff Partners encouraged to promote chat and participate via #NPHW
Make NPHW Message Travel Monday: E-mail your local poison control center about volunteer opportunities. Tuesday: Post questions about workplace safety to friends on Facebook or followers on Twitter. For example: “What would make your workplace healthier and safer for everyone?” Wednesday: Tweet about new research or an article about preventing sports-related injuries from either the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or a newspaper. Thursday: Write a blog post about your personal commitment to no longer text and drive, and encourage others to do the same. Friday: Write a letter to the editor of your local paper about steps to take to curtail adolescent bullying, or another topic of community concern that is important to you.
Resources and Info Toolkit ( Brochure Promotional Items Calendar/Map of Events National and Local Advocacy Local event support Local media outreach support
Questions ?