ER&L 2010, Austin, TX February, 2, 2010


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Presentation transcript:

Digging for buried treasure: strategies for promoting institutional repositories ER&L 2010, Austin, TX February, 2, 2010 Julie Arendt, Jonathan Nabe, Andrea Imre – Southern Illinois University Carbondale Tara Baillargeon, Beth Turtle – Kansas State University

Digging for Buried Treasure: Strategies for Promoting Institutional Repositories Julie Arendt Andrea Imre Jonathan Nabe Electronic Resources and Libraries 2010 Austin, TX February 2, 2010

SIUC facts Morris facts IR - live since Fall 2008 Platform: bepress digital commons Staffing: Institutional Repository Implementation and Application Group = 3 librarians (nobody full time) Content types: Student work (ETDs, Research Papers, Honors Papers, Posters) Faculty work (presentations, published articles, working papers, etc.) University documentation (committee work, presentations) Current holdings: over 1800 papers Usage: over 27,500 full-text downloads to date

Purpose of marketing Overcome challenge of content recruitment Copyright Time constraints (authors, IR managers) Major challenge for any IR is content recruitment Copyright Time Marketing for more efficient content recruitment

3 categories of SIUC PR activities General, for a broader audience High profile, one time, broad or targeted Targeted, for specific audiences

Marketing strategies @ SIUC Design elements of IR Promotional material Brochure Handouts submission guidelines Author guide and help pages Design elements : what’s in a name Brochure: do not reinvent the wheel, borrow from others quoting university administrator cost distribution (campus mail, and meetings) Handouts to demonstrate ease of use IR documentation, help pages, author pages with detailed info Important tools when IR is started

Spreading the word Promotion within the Library (meetings, websites) Promotion on campus Media outlets (newspaper, radio, TV) Links placed on university webpages Meetings at multiple levels of the organization (administration, colleges, departments, special programs, research centers, individual faculty, etc.) Library - meetings with staff, website links, website news item Media – newspapers radio, TV interviews with IR staff, also involve people on campus who are active users of the IR Links on university websites On campus – meetings, meetings, meetings

High profile one time events or activities Forum Survey Open Access policy (or mandate, or resolution, etc.)

Catchy title Prominent speaker Local panel Food!

Open Access Policy Use successful adopters’ language: Harvard Stanford Kansas MIT researchers/mit-faculty-open-access-policy/ Oregon State Libraries Visit SPARC’s site:

Open Access Policy Learn from others’ failure: University of Maryland’s experience cations/crlnews/2009/oct/pyrrhicvict.cfm

Liaison Training Session Information about the repository, repository policies Responses to frequently asked questions from faculty Two requests Deposit your stuff Go forth and spread the word Requirement for new hires There are just three of us with other regular job duties. It would be challenging to reach every faculty member on our own. Liaisons needed because Greater numbers Have contact already BUT liaisons weren’t part of the development & have a broad range of knowledge about Institutional Repositories.

Liaison Materials Brochure Talking Points Time NOT to reinvent the wheel – recycled materials Reused materials that we already had developed. Posted materials in OpenSIUC to make it easy for liaisons to access

Outreach Visits Liaison visits to department With or Without Team members Other units Honors program Graduate School Ultimately the submissions are coming from the individuals who produce the materials, and one-on-one contact is important. Liaison + Team member: Automotive Technology – support of the chair was a big help Content – Presentations (among the most popular downloads) Honors program Already had electronic versions of old theses & dissertations Excitement about download level (example of Nazi experiment thesis) Graduate school: Theses and Dissertations Meeting with them to get it started. At this point only submission is voluntary not mandatory ProQuest has provided copies for us to include – but we want author permissions to make them open access We send emails to recent grads to get permission

Maintaining the Flow Make it easy Keep in contact Download statistics Solicit again DigitalCommons automatically sends monthly download statistics to authors if they provide an email address AND the submission had downloads that month. Demonstrates to authors that someone is reading it. Submitting materials isn’t a regular part of faculty workflow. Even if they provide materials once, it won’t be the first thing on their minds when they publish something.

More information Email: Materials: