PowerPoint for the resource Waves of Hope
Recapping Effective Citizenship What does effective citizenship mean? Is it exercising our civic rights and responsibilities in relation to belonging to a nation? i.e. voting. Or is it about contributing to society for the greater good of others? Is it only defined as belonging to a nation or can we define citizenship, as belonging to a democratic society within a nation, which is part of a wider international context and a shared democratic culture.
Why do we commemorate people?
Helen Clarke Prime Minister 2008 Sir Edmund Hillary “He set a high benchmark of citizenship with his self sacrificial service for generations to come” Helen Clarke Prime Minister 2008
Famous New Zealand citizens or examples of effective global citizens?
What are the key elements of a global perspective to citizenship?
Hanvey’s key elements of a global perspective Cross- cultural awareness Perspective consciousness Knowledge of world conditions Knowledge of global dynamics Knowledge of alternatives
Read the fact sheet on Sir Edmund Hillary Do any of these facts or quotes provide evidence of a global perspective. Note down at the end of each statement the key elements reflected.
Sir Edmund Hillary Evidence of a global perspective to Citizenship Cross-Cultural Awareness Worked closely with the people from Nepal to design aid projects that incorporated their cultural perspective, showed respect for the diversity of ideas, values and practices of other cultures. Committed to the ideals of social justice and equality. Knowledge of World conditions Had knowledge of prevailing conditions international of ecosystems (Mountain Wilderness Areas) and the need for protection of these areas globally. Knowledge of the economic conditions in communities of other countries and global poverty. Knowledge of Global Dynamics Key Features and mechanisms of various global systems Had knowledge of how international trusts and legal systems worked. Knowledge of Alternatives Awareness of alternatives to how the world is presently run. Knowledge of Foreign Aid and technical assistance.
Read the fact sheet on Kate Sheppard and Ray Avery Look for evidence of the key elements of a global perspective and record evidence on the fact sheet
Kate Sheppard Ray Avery Cross- Cultural Awareness Kate Sheppard pushed for proportional representation and binding referendums which would represent all people of ‘race, class, creed or sex’ Cross-Cultural Awareness You'll find that families in Africa and Asia are very much like we are, people will sell the family pig or cow in Asia to help their child if it gets sick. Knowledge of World Conditions Worked towards transformation of conditions for women world wide. Worked with many other suffragette movements in other countries Knowledge of global inequity particularly the medical and health problems facing poverty stricken people in poorer nations of Africa and Asia Knowledge of Global Dynamics Knowledge of world political systems and mechanisms of government. Used knowledge and success in New Zealand to help form campaigns in other countries. Manages a global network of experts donating their knowledge and time to help develop medical solutions that can be replicated in community development schemes in other countries. Knowledge of Alternatives Had many ideas of alternative ways to how the world could be run 1.e. political representation, conditions for women, guardianship, divorce etc. He creates low-cost sustainable solutions that combat global poverty and health issues for the most vulnerable and neglected societies
What how did they affect change? Sir Edmund Hilary Kate Sheppard Ray Avery All promoted reform by working within the existing political, legal or health systems to help communities in other countries or for the protection of global ecosystems. They worked within the parameters of international and foreign national laws.
How would you interpret their aims? Maintain Status Quo Moderate Reform Global Transformation
A Comparison of Effective Global citizenship Advocates of Global Reform Advocates for Global Transformation Sir Edmund Hillary worked within the boundaries set by governing bodies concerned to build infrastructure and develop services for remote communities. Similarly he advocated for reform and the introduction of measures for the protection of mountainous areas by raising public awareness through the patronage of various groups Kate Sheppard worked within the existing legal and political systems to advocate reform and change. Sign up group works at petitioning for government legislation that would see a reduction in green house emissions. Working within the legal and political bounds of redress to reform systems. Greenpeace some actions have been outside the realms of international law. In trying to protect endangered species and to preserve the environment, anti- whaling and anti-logging groups have had to take actions which have broken the nationally and internationally agreed upon laws. Therefore the group doesn’t always work within established institutions and systems but is working towards transforming and creating international systems for environmental protection. Sea Shepherd Consider the recent example of Peter Bethune, anti-whalng activist. He broke international maritime laws. Were his actions a step too far? How did Greenpeace view his actions?