Welcome 5th Grade Parents! Curriculum Night 2017 Welcome 5th Grade Parents!
A Little Bit about Me 17th year teaching at Harlan Elementary! Graduate of Oakland University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education Earned Masters of Education degree from Marygrove College Married to John and have two children, Shane & Amber Interests include mountain biking, golfing, skiing, boating, traveling and basically anything outdoors!
5th Grade: A Training Year for Middle School Nightly Homework Materials: Planner (Filled out!) Blue Communication folder for any papers that need to go home Reading Book Band/Orchestra Students: Practice Log, Instrument, and Music Book Band Note: There will not be band on Fridays this year! Exceptions will be noted in the planner.
5th Grade: A Training Year for Middle School Self-Advocacy Encourage your child to speak privately to the teacher about academic or social matters Building Self-Confidence Classroom participation Challenging themselves Hygiene and Dress Code “Clothing should properly cover the body” – Harlan Student Handbook Deodorant may be beneficial for students
5th Grade: A Training Year for Middle School Time Management: Homework should take about 1 hour per night Please contact classroom teacher if homework is frequently taking longer than this First bell is at 8:44 AM! Students should be in their seats and ready to learn by 8:49 AM. Study guides will be provided prior to classroom assessments
Birthday Celebrations Students will be honored on their birthdays with a class recess Summer birthdays will be celebrated in June Parents do not need to provide anything for the celebrations
Fifth grade community Fifth Grade Huddle Purpose is to bring the grade level together to discuss any information for our team such as events, issues and/or celebrations. Topics are both teacher and student generated based on the needs of the group Huddles provide an opportunity for students to build a strong community amongst their peers
Behavior Expectations 1). Reminder 2). “Next Play” plan of action 3). For repeated or more concerning behavior, a reflection sheet will be filled out by the student and signed by a parent
Math Following common core state standards Expect homework on a daily basis, about 20-30 minutes per night (on average) Your child will be given a homework/remembering book. This must come back to school each day!
Math Format: Mini-lesson (whole group); modeling Group and/or shared work; use of math manipulatives Independent/Collaborative Small groups pulled at this time Students will be notified about unit tests at least 3 days in advance Posted to Wiki (Assignments Page)
Social Studies Notice: Students will take the MSTEP standardized test in social studies in the spring Topics covered: American Indian Origins, Travels and Cultures How and Why European Explorers Came to the New World Colonization Facing Slavery Tensions Grow Between Great Britain and the Colonies Revolutionary War and Declaration of Independence The Constitution and New Government
Science Notice: Students will take the MSTEP standardized test in science in the spring Topics Mixtures and Solutions Earth and Sun Living Systems Binder Next Generation of Science and Engineering Practices
Birmingham Public School’s Fifth Grade Health Units of Study Social and Emotional Health Personal Health and Wellness Safety Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs HIV Prevention Growth and Development Nutrition and Physical Activity (P.E.)
Fifth grade heads to camp tamarack! Wednesday, October 4 Students arrive at Harlan – 7:45 AM Bus departs from Harlan – 8:00 AM Parents pick-up at Harlan – 9:00 PM Thursday, October 5 Bus arrives back at Harlan - 3:00 PM Students will be dismissed at regular dismissal time - 3:50 PM
Tamarack Camps www.tamarackcamps.com Location: Tamarack Camps www.tamarackcamps.com 4361 Perryville Road Ortonville, MI 48462 248.627.2821 Price: $125 per student
Camp activities Canoeing Archery Tamarack Tie-Dye Campfire Sing-A-Long S’Mores Living Science Pioneer Skills Group Initiatives Packet was sent home today
Thank you for coming!
Public Discourse/Citizen Involvement Social Studies Geography / Regions Economics Government Public Discourse/Citizen Involvement
Science – Collaborative Groups Earth Materials Properties of rocks and minerals Slow change processes (weathering, erosion, deposition) Fast change processes (earthquakes, etc.)
Variables Independent (the cause) Dependent (the effect) Controlled (the constant) Creating tables Graphing results Relationships of variables
Environments Ecosystems Life cycles Food webs / Food chains Environmental factors Adaptations (behavioral & structural)
Math I teach 4+ math in the afternoon, Mrs. Rowe teaches on level math in the afternoon Main resource – Houghton Mifflin Expressions 5 Common Core Math Domains Operations and Algebraic Thinking Number and Operations in Base Ten Number and Operations – Fractions Measurement and Data Geometry
Math Math Student Activity Books – typically kept at school Math Homework/Remembering books will travel to and from school in Math Folders Math Notebook may come home- notes, examples Please do not let your child go ahead in their math homework/remembering book Pages should be kept in the homework/remembering book Quick Quizzes throughout unit, unit tests Lessons will not always go in sequential order
math If you see that your child is struggling or the homework is taking more than 30 minutes, or a family obligation prohibits them from doing their homework, let either Mrs. Rowe or myself know by sending an email. - OR - Pick one or two of each kind of problem and have the students complete the assignment doing less but getting the practice needed so they know where they need more assistance.
Thank you for coming! Anytime you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me! If you are not receiving emails from Mrs. Abels and myself, please let us know!