4-H Embryology Week 3
4-H Pledge I pledge my Head to clearer thinking my Heart to greater loyalty my Hands to larger service and my Health to better living for my club, my community my country and my world.
Which egg is fertile?
Which egg is fertile? The egg I circled is fertile because it’s germinal spot is larger and it contains both male and female parent cells.
The fertilized egg is formed when male and female cells unite during mating. They are fertile. They are Leghorn eggs. The color of the shells are white. X X X The air cell looked like a dime. Page 11 The temperature of the incubator is 99 – 101 degrees F.
Water should be added to the incubator every day. We should turn our eggs five times per day. We observe embryos by candling. I helped with the project by… Page 12
Temporary Organs Albumen Allantois Yolk Sac Amnion Air Cell Shell Inner Outer Egg Tooth
Page 8
16 The albumen is totally absorbed by Day 16. Air Cell Blood Vessels 16 Embryo Shell Yolk
Draw what you see in your 21 Hatch Day!! Write your own fact about what you see. Draw what you see in your incubator.
Preparing for Hatch Day Day 18 - Friday Stop turning the eggs Fill tray #2 with water Bunch the eggs together in the incubator Prepare the Brooder Box What’s a Brooder Box?
Expectations for Hatch Day Day 21 - Monday Peeping Pip holes Cracks, hatching Blood, fluids, odor Chicks! It can take from one to 24 hours for a chick to go from pip hole to fully hatched. BE PATIENT!
Hatch Day Rules Your teacher will move chicks from the incubator to the brooder box. Monitor chicks to be sure they are not too hot or too cold. Chicks rest for 10-24 hrs after hatching before you may hold them.
Be Gentle…Be Quiet…Be Calm Rules for Holding Chicks Wash your hands before and after holding chicks. Sit on the floor and hold the chick against your belly. NO STANDING. NO CHICKS ON DESKS, TABLES OR THE FLOOR. Do not wake a sleeping chick. Do not hold chicks if you are sick. If your chick escapes, remain seated and calm. Your teacher will capture your chick. Be Gentle…Be Quiet…Be Calm
the production of food and goods through the use of farming Agriculture the production of food and goods through the use of farming The Farmer! = The Producer What does the producer produce?
Commodities Animal Commodities Plant Commodities A commodity is anything the producer raises or grows to make profit ($$$). Animal Commodities Plant Commodities
Commodities (animal and plant) The Producer (farmer) Commodities (animal and plant) Processed at butcher shop, mill, factory, etc. Products
cotton Page 9
10 Page 10
Homework White Notebook Pages 9, 10, 15 & 17 Page 13 – Scientific Drawing Blue Notebook Let’s Go On A Shopping Spree
16 The albumen is totally absorbed by Day 16. . Air Cell Homework White Notebook Page 9, 10, 14 & 17 Blue Notebook Let’s Go On A Shopping Spree Rooster Word Search Blood Vessels 16 Embryo Shell Yolk