Global warming! By Kate
Why is global warming so important? Well global warming is important because it is NOT only happening in New Zealand it is happening all over the globe that is why it is not called “New Zealand warming“. We all need to be aware of global warming so we can stop it.
Did you know that 71% of the world is water Did you know that 71% of the world is water! If we don’t stop global warming soon the whole world will be water.
First of all I will talk about what global warming is First of all I will talk about what global warming is. After that I will talk about 2 causes of global warming which are: air pollution and using home appliances. Next I will talk about the effects of global warming which are: the sea levels, the rough weather and animals losing their habitats. I will then talk about what is already in place to stop global warming like the clean air act. Last, but not least, I will talk about what we can do to stop global warming.
What is global warming? Global warming is when earth heats up or in other words the temperature rises. This happens when greenhouse gases trap heat and light in the earth’s atmosphere. This increases the earth’s temperature and can hurt people, animals and plants.
Here are some home appliances that cause global warming. What causes global warming? Here are some home appliances that cause global warming.
Every time that we use one of the things listed below it uses up energy : Listening to the radio Drying or washing clothes Using hair dryers Driving in the car Using the microwave Using the dishwasher Using air conditioning And, turning on lights
Air pollution also does lots to cause global warming Air pollution also does lots to cause global warming. Now that people are using cars more than they used to there is more air pollution. This is a major problem with global warming.
As well as home appliances and air pollution, electric pollution does a lot to cause global warming too. Burning fuel also causes global warming.
Effects What effects does global warming have on people? People can get very sick from global warming. Because crops are dying people can also lose food. What effects does global warming have on the environment? Because of global warming the Arctic and Antarctic are melting which makes the sea levels rise. This worries people living close to the sea. Also animals are losing their habitats.
Solutions for global warming Here are some solutions for global warming
What is the Government doing to stop global warming? The Government is doing many great things like the new law called “THE-CLEAN-AIR-ACT”. This new law lets less air pollution into the air.
What are people doing to stop global warming? What people are doing to stop global warming is car pooling. Carpooling is driving to the same place with someone else. This minimizes the amount of greenhouse gases being put into the atmosphere by cars.
What kids can do to stop global warming is: Kids can help stop global warming as well as adults. Although we can’t do things like making laws we can do things like not watching as much TV or going outside to play.
Here are some things that we can do to stop global warming Listen to the radio less often Dry clothes on the clothesline Using hair dryers less Try and carpool with others Don’t use the microwave and dishwasher as much Turn off air conditioning and open a window instead And, remember to turn off lights when not in use.
I hope you learnt something new about global warming from my project today. Maybe now you will start trying to stop global warming and help save the world!
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