Home entertainment
Home entertainment Interactive TV Gaming Digital photography Webcam services Social networking Music and sound Mobile phones
Interactive TV Digital TV offers more facilities such as: pay-to-view services, e.g. films, football matches and other sporting events interactive services, e.g. shopping, betting, voting and dating.
Gaming Computers and computer consoles are used for the playing of games from chess to fast action games. Games can also be educational as children can learn through games.
Digital photography Digital photography is popular because: it is cheap as there is no film to develop photos can be shared by attaching them to emails photos can be sent via mobile phones photos can be passed to social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, etc. photos can be edited.
Webcam services A web camera (or webcam for short) is simply a digital camera that is used to capture still and video (i.e. moving) images.
Social networking Sites such as MySpace, Bebo, Twitter, etc., offer a variety of services such as: email bulletins blogs friend comments photographs groups videos music.
Music and sound Downloads are where you transfer files from a website and then store them on your computer and portable music player. You can listen to the radio using the Internet.
Mobile phones Hardly need any introduction! More uses are being found for them all the time.