Horizon 2020 NCPs Training 16 March, Kyiv, Ukraine Sandra Olivera, EU Policy Officer Vinnova - Sweden’s innovation agency
Plenary session 1 Horizon 2020 Web Portal
Participant Portal – The Gate to EU-projects 2018-09-10 Participant Portal – The Gate to EU-projects Contains all documentation - be selective! Top three documents: Work-programme Defines the project content Proposal Template Includes guidance notes in all parts Is ’hidden’ inside the application procedure General Annexes List of countries, eligibility criteria, funding rates, evaluation etc. Participant portal: Where you find all information – from application to how the projects are handled and final reporting Make sure to register well in advance before you are required to submit your application Top-3 important documents you can find on the portal: The Work Programme – describes the calls that you can apply for Proposal template – that you use when you write your application, it is important that you download the right template for the call you want to apply for General Annexes – information about calls, levels of finance, evaluation and criteria ____________________________ Paper less grant management Exchanges in a secured electronic system Identity and access management using one single entry point, ECAS Digital seal for all transactions Chain of trust to secure identity of persons (the LEAR is validated by the Commission) Full electronic document registration, storage and access in the Participant Portal Electronic signature Of the Grant Agreement Of the Amendments Financial Statements and Technical reports Communication between the Commission and the beneficiaries Through the Participant Portal Electronic-only submission of reports Paperless Grant Management in Horizon 2020
Finding calls
Other calls not directly managed through the Participant Portal Horizon 2020 calls (2014-2020) Other calls not directly managed through the Participant Portal FP7 & CIP calls (2007-2013)
Find the relevant topic using the keyword search …or the Europa free text search Some calls and topics are grouped according to predefined criteria
Browse the calls by exploring the H2020 structure
CALL LEVEL Select your topic
Once you have selected your topic, then TOPIC LEVEL Once you have selected your topic, then browse/download/read the specific topic-related documents.
Finding support FAQ Helpdesk etc
Where to find support? H2020 Helpdesk Glossary FAQ FAQ database Service provided by the Europe Direct Contact Centre Glossary FAQ FAQ database Useful information along with additional guidance (user manuals, latest PowerPoint presentations, etc.) IT Helpdesk contact form Other Help Services Ethics helpdesk, European IPR helpdesk, European Committee for Standardisation
Register as expert: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/experts/index.html Possibility to become an expert evaluator for calls – warmly recommended! Best way to understand what is needed to succeed with an application and get an overview of the state of the art in your field. This pool of experts is where the European Commission picks their candidates for their different advisory groups To boost your chances: Try to write your profile in a cleaver way so that is matches relevant areas in the Workprogramme Update your Linked in profile and information about you on relevant webpages and include these links in the participant portal Add other relevant experience such as previous evaluation experience, partner in EU projects, and any type of advisory role you might have have had For people who are already experts: remember to regularly update your profile to ensure that the European Commission can find the best match of assignments in the future
Sweden’s innovation agency Develops Sweden's innovation capacity for sustainable growth and benefiting society