Department of Mathematics and Statistics 2016 Math & Stat Jobs Dr. Myron Hlynka Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Windsor
Actuaries deal with life insurance pensions health care costs car insurance property insurance financial investments risk
Actuarial Hirings Companies Willis Towers Watson William Mercer Manulife London Life Blue Cross Green Shield AAA Michigan Aegon
Web Sites for actuaries
Other Math Careers teaching (elementary, high school, univ.) Statistician (Stat Canada, Health Canada, pharmaceutical companies, polling companies) Operational Research (efficiency experts, transportation algorithms) financial analysts (“quants”) banks call centers
US News Best Jobs 2016 1.Orthodonist 2. Dentist 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,15,16,19,22,23,25 (all health related) 3.Computer Systems Analyst 13.Software Developer 17. Statistician 18. Operations Research Analyst 20. Web developer 21. Cartographer 24. Accountant
Forbes/CareerCast “It would seem that this year science and math are king on the job market. Positions that require skills in numbers and sciences are some of the top positions to hold, according to a recently released ranking of the best careers to have.”
Forbes 2016 Best Jobs 1. Data Scientist 2. Statistician 3. Information Security Analyst 4. Audiologist 5. Medical Sonographer
The Best Jobs of 2016, by Forbes/ 6. Mathematician 7. Software Engineer 8. Computer Systems Analyst 9. Speech Pathologist 10. Actuary
Math Careers Teaching (elem, high school, college, univ) Actuary (consulting, health care, govern.) Statistician (federal, prov. gov’t, drug companies, marketing companies) Financial (banking, investments) Health Services and Health Care Sports analytics Traffic flow (lights, turning)
Other Math Careers BIG DATA - important for medication development, marketing, traffic flow, financial transactions, individualized health care, creating artificial intelligence algorithms Leading to Industrial Engineering Leading to Management Science Leading to Economist Leading to MD
Contact Dr. Myron Hlynka Dept of Math & Stat, U of Windsor
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