Urban Growth: 1870 - 1900
Dumbell Tenement
How did Urbanization affect society? AIM: How did Urbanization affect society?
Negative affects of City Growth 1. Housing Tenements- multifamily buildings Immigrants and working class families crowded into these buildings Neighborhoods became slums Crime flourished
Dumbell Tenement, NYC
Tenement Slum Living
Tenement Slum Living
Lodgers Huddled Together
Negative affects of City Growth 2. Health Urban crowding spread disease Water and sanitation facilities were inadequate Poor families could not afford proper diets and lacked knowledge of basic health procedures
Negative affects of City Growth 3. Politics Political machines took control of many governments Provided help to the poor in exchange for votes Corruption plagued society
Positive Effects of Urbanization 1. New Technologies Subways, trains, and street cars improved transportation Gas and electric lights made streets safer New water and sewage systems skyscrapers
Positive affects of Urbanization 2. Cultural Advances Public and private money funded museums, concert halls, theaters, and parks New printing presses turned out mass circulation of newspapers, magazines, and novels Public schools increased eductaion
Positive affects of Urbanization 3. Community Improvements Jane Adams- Hull House- provide education and services to the poor Political reforms to fix problem of corruption
The Urban Mixture 1. Workers and the poor Most immigrants belonged to this group Lived in slums and poor neighborhoods Company towns
The Urban Mixture 2. Middle Class Doctors, lawyers, office workers, and skilled laborers Buying consumer goods and had money and time for leisure activities
The Urban Mixture 3. The Wealthy Entrepreneurs and wealthy business people Smallest segment of urban life