Subject Promouns
What is a verb? an ACTION word!!
In Spanish there are 3 kinds of verbs: 1). 2). 3). There are the most In Spanish there are 3 kinds of verbs: 1) 2) 3) There are the most verbs. (They are the most popular) -AR -ER -IR -AR
An INFINITIVE is the original form of the verb. It always means “ An INFINITIVE is the original form of the verb. It always means “ “ ex) hablar= TO + AN ACTION TO TALK
The parts of the infinitive have names too: stem hablar ending The stem tells you The ending tells you WHAT the action is WHO/WHAT is doing the action
changing the ending of the verb to match who is doing the action “Conjugation” means changing the ending of the verb to match who is doing the action
The three steps to conjugating a verb are: 1) 2) 3) Identify Action & Who is doing it Chop ending off infinitive Put on correct ending depending on who is doing the action
-AR Verb Endings -o -amos -as -áis -a -an yo (I…) nosotros nosotras (we…) tú (you…) vosotros vosotras él (he…) ella (she…) Ud. (you…) ellos (they…) ellas (they…) Uds. (you…) -o -amos -as -áis -a -an
Ex) I swim. nadar nad nado Practicamos Ex) I swim. nadar nad nado Who & What chop off ending Add correct ending for “yo”
Did you know? nado= I swim I do swim I’m swimming Do I swim ? **You don’t even need the “yo” b/c the “o” on the end tells you who is swimming
Practicamos? Ex) We study. 1) 2) estudiar 3) estudi estudiamos Who & What estudiar chop off ending estudi estudiamos Add correct ending for “nosotros”
Did you know? estudiamos= we study we do study we are studying Do we study?
Practicamos? Ex) He listens. 1) 2) escuchar 3) escuch escucha Who & What escuchar chop off ending escuch Add correct ending for “Él” escucha
Practicamos Ex) They skate. 1) 2) patinar 3) patin patinan Who & What chop off ending patin Add correct ending for “Éllos” patinan
“Why do we have to conjugate?” 1) 2) 3) How do you get to school? “to ride the bus” What do you do on the weekends? “to talk, to listen to music.” What do we need for class? “to need a pencil, calculator…”
commit these endings to memory It is YOUR job to 1) 2) 3) learn endings by studying & putting effort into hw & classwork commit these endings to memory come for help BEFORE quiz if you need to