A look at being-verbs in Spanish Ser- To be A look at being-verbs in Spanish
Let’s define some terms Infinitive (Infinitivo) Basic form of a verb “Unconjugated” form of a verb To conjugate– to change a verb in order to match it to a subject and a tense Ie: I speak You speak He/She/It speaks We speak You (pl.) speak They speak I spoke You spoke He/She/It spoke We spoke You (pl.) spoke They spoke
Infinitives In English, all infinitives are comprised of two words To + verb
For example: English Verb “To Be”
Los Infinitivos In Spanish, all infinitives are comprised of one word Always ending in Ir, Er, or Ar For example– One of the Spanish verbs for “to be” Ser
Infinitives in English and Spanish To Be Ser
Los Infinitivos When Spanish verbs are conjugated, they receive changes according to the perspective of the subject in an orderly fashion. For example: 1st person singular Yo soy = I am 1st person plural Nosotros/Nosotras somos= we are 2nd person singular Tú eres= You are 2nd person plural Vosotros/vosotras sois= You (all) are (inf., Sp.) 3rd person singular Usted es= You (f.) are Él/ Ella es= he/she is 3rd person plural Ustedes son= You (all) are Ellos/ Ellas son = they are
Infinitivos In Spanish, there are several uses for the verb “ser.” We have already learned one use When talking about nationality Ex.– Soy de Chicago. There are many more!