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Describe the recruiting process, including internal and external recruiting and the importance of realistic job previews Discuss the steps in the selection process and the basic selection criteria used by most organizations Identify and discuss popular selection techniques that organizations use to hire new employees Describe the selection decision including potential selection errors and reliability and validity Discuss how organizations train and develop new employees to better enable them to perform effectively
Recruiting Process of developing a pool of qualified applicants who are interested in working for the organization Internal recruiting: Process of looking inside the organization for existing qualified employees who might be promoted to higher level positions Job posting Supervisory recommendations External recruiting: Process of looking to sources outside the organization for prospective employees
Recruiting Word-of-mouth recruiting Advertisements Employment agencies College placement offices Digital recruiting Realistic job previews: Effective technique for ensuring that job seekers understand the actual nature of jobs available to them
7.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal and External Recruiting
7.2 Steps in the Selection Process
Basic Selection Criteria Education and experience Skills and abilities Personal characteristics Hiring for fit
Popular Selection Techniques Applications and background checks Employment tests Work simulations Personal interviews Other selection techniques References and recommendations Assessment centers
7.3 A Sample Selection Process
The Selection Decision Multiple indicators By using multiple approaches, an organization can counterbalance the measurement error in one selection technique against another Banding - Allows an organization to select an applicant from some underrepresented group in the organization while still ensuring high performance standards
The Selection Decision Selection errors Organization will always make at least one occupational selection error and hire the wrong person False positives: Applicants who are predicted to be successful and are hired but who ultimately fail False negatives: Applicants who are predicted to fail and are not hired but who would have been successful if hired
The Selection Decision Reliability and validity Reliability: Consistency of a particular selection device - it measures whatever it is supposed to be measured without random error Validity: Scores on a test are related to performance on a job Criterion-related validity: Extent to which a selection technique accurately predicts elements of performance
Legal and Effectiveness Issues in Recruiting and Selection Organization faced with a prima facie case of discrimination must prove that the basis for the selection decision was job related Demonstrated by establishing the validity of a selection instrument Utility analysis: Determines the extent to which a selection system provides real benefit to the organization
7.8 Assessing Training and Development Needs
Training and Development Management development Involves more generalized training for future managerial roles and positions Organizational development System-wide effort to increase the organization’s overall performance through planned interventions Evaluating training and development Determine if there is an actual change in the behavior being targeted with the use of control groups
Recruitment and selection are the means whereby organizations acquire new human resources Organizations use different techniques for gathering information that reflect an individual’s education and experience, skills and abilities, and personal characteristics Training and development represents an investment in the employee with the goal of improving their ability to make contributions to the firm’s effectiveness
False negatives False positives First-impression error Headhunter In-basket exercises Integrity tests Internal recruiting Job posting Nonrelevancy On-the-job training Apprenticeships Big five personality traits Bio data application blanks Cognitive ability tests Contrast error Criterion-related validity Development Education Employment application Employment test Experience External recruiting
Organizational development Organizational learning Personality tests Projective technique Psychomotor ability tests Realistic job preview (RJP) Recruiting Reliability Selection Self-report inventory Semistructured employment interview Similarity error Situational interview Structured employment interview Supervisory recommendations Training Unstructured employment interview
Utility analysis Validity Vestibule training Weighted application blank Word-of-mouth recruiting Work simulations Work-based programs