Earthquakes - Test.


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Presentation transcript:

Earthquakes - Test

Question number 1: What is an earthquake? Correct answer: A An earthquake is the shaking and vibration of the Earth's crust due to movement of the Earth's plates. An earthquake is the eruption of molten rock from inside the Earth's crust. An earthquake is the creation of new land formed by molten rock pushing through gaps in the Earth's crust. Correct answer: A An earthquake is the shaking and vibration of the Earth's crust due to movement of the Earth's plates. This is called plate tectonics.

Question number 2: At what sort of plate boundaries might earthquakes take place? Constructive plate boundaries Destructive plate boundaries Conservative plate boundaries Conservative and destructive plate boundaries All plate boundaries Correct answer: E Earthquakes can take place along all plate boundaries. Volcanoes only occur along constructive and destructive plate boundaries.

Question number 3: Correct answer: A What causes earthquakes? Earthquakes are caused when tension is released inside the Earth's crust. Earthquakes are caused when humans extract too much material from the Earth's crust. Earthquakes are caused when the Earth moves closer to the Sun. Earthquakes are caused when it's very hot in the middle of summer. Earthquakes are caused when plate boundaries pull away from each other. Correct answer: A Earthquakes are caused when tension is released inside the Earth's crust. The tension occurs because two plates (moving in different directions) get stuck.

Question number 4: The point inside the Earth where the pressure is released is called the: epicentre aftershock hypocentre cone inner core Correct answer: C The hypocentre is the point inside the Earth where the pressure is released.

Question number 5: The point on the Earth's surface that is directly above an earthquake is called the: epicentre aftershock focus cone inner core Correct answer: A The epicentre is the point on the Earth's surface that is directly above where an earthquake takes place inside the Earth (the hypocentre or focus).

Question number 6: Energy released by an earthquake is in the form of: rocks magma shakes seismic waves nuclear Correct answer: D Energy released by an earthquake is in the form of seismic waves

Question number 7: A seismograph measures what? Correct answer: D The damage caused by an earthquake The distance of an earthquake from the focus to the epicentre How big a volcano is The vibrations caused by an earthquake Correct answer: D A seismometer measures the vibrations caused by an earthquake.

Question number 8: The strength or magnitude of an earthquake is measured using what? Sonar equipment Richter scale Mercalli scale Seismic Moment Shakagraph Correct answer: B The Richter scale is used to measure the magnitude of an earthquake.

Question number 9: What is a primary effect of an earthquake? Impacts as a direct result of the ground shaking Effects on young children Effects nearest the epicentre Effects on the landscape Correct answer: A Primary effects are impacts that are a direct result of an earthquake.

Question number 10: The concept that Earth's upper layer, or lithosphere, is divided into large, quite rigid segments which float over the more dense upper mantle, is termed: pushing margins plate tectonics floating continents convection currents Correct answer: B Are the plate tectonics.