Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Labour EDUCATION, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PRACTICES SECTOR, EDUCATION AND TRAINING AUTHORITY (ETDP SETA) _____________ Date: 20 October 2005 Venue: V475, 4th Floor, Old Assembly Chamber - Parliament , Cape Town
1. PURPOSE OF PRESENTATION To provide an overview of the ETDP SETA’s performance for the period under review (2004/5) To reflect on the ETDP SETA’s contribution to NSDS 1 To briefly profile the sector to the portfolio committee To highlight the financial status of the ETDP SETA
2. SECTOR PROFILE: EMPLOYMENT PROFILE OF THE LEVY CHAMBER CONSTITUENCY BLACK COLOURED INDIAN WHITE TOTAL SGBs 3707 868 430 5124 10129 FETs 1988 438 117 1630 4173 Libraries 44 22 47 113 Independent Schools 4292 747 636 9100 14775 Trade Unions 764 161 34 439 1398 Political Parties 16 3 26 158 Research Institutions 485 187 134 343 1149 NGOs and CBOs 3946 358 138 2267 6709 ECDs 8633 296 615 5502 9532 Private Providers 3840 596 10553 Higher Education 16299 5226 4247 21798 47570 Others 43 9 4 28 84 44154 8924 6393 46872 106343 Source: SARS download – March 2005
SECTOR PROFILE: PROFILE OF THE BUDGET CHAMBER (Continued) OFFICE/ PROVINCE BLACK INDIAN COLOURED WHITE TOTAL NATIONAL 399 21 15 188 623 LIMPOPO 54268 36 96 1369 55769 GAUTENG 42459 1911 2936 17934 65200 NORTH WEST 32459 432 233 3360 36484 MPUMALANGA 27122 148 162 3119 30551 EASTERN CAPE 44021 2996 1279 48444 WESTERN CAPE 5757 144 21305 6953 34159 NORTHERN CAPE 2423 2 5323 1565 9313 FREE STATE 23797 801 4564 29177 232665 2857 33867 40331 309720 Source: WSP analysis and DoE persal database as validated
3. SECTOR PROFILE - ETD SECTOR SCARCE SKILLS Teachers of Mathematics, Science and Technology 4.1% Academics 3.6% Educational Managers (3.2%) Source: 2005 updated Sector Skills Plan
4. SECTOR PROFILE - ETD SECTOR CRITICAL SKILLS (Continued) Area of Critical Skills Continuous professional and administrative development Educational leadership and management Technology- the use of ICT in education
7. NSDS ACHIEVEMENTS 2001 – 2005 Indicator 1.1 No. of workers at NQF 1 Achieved 138% of target Indicator 1.2 No of workers on structured learning programmes Achieved 125% of target Indicator 1.3 No. of enterprises that achieved national standard of people development 20 enterprises (195% of target) Indicator 2.1 No. of large enterprises that received skills development grants 97% of target achieved Indicator 2.2 No. of medium enterprises that received skill developments grants 175% 0f target achieved
NSDS ACHIEVEMENTS 2001 – 2005 (Continued) Indicator 2.3 No of learnerships available to workers in the sector 94% of target achieved Indicator 3.1 No. of small enterprises that received skills development support 245% of target achieved Indicator 5.1 No. of unemployed young people that entered learnerships 100% of target achieved Indicator No. of learners on learnership that were placed in employment 5% of learners completed at the time of reporting Source: ETDP SETA Score Card 2001 – 2005 as assessed by DOL (Appendix L of Annual Report)
8. ANNUAL FINANCIALS & AUDIT RESULTS ETDP SETA 2004/5- FINANCIAL SUMMARY SDL Income R164 100 100 Total Investment income R12 317 000 Total Revenue R214 381 000 Total Expenses R212 097 000 Expenses as percent of SDL income 27% Net Surplus R2 284 000 Total Cash & cash Equivalents R272 906 000
(Continued) ANNUAL FINANCIALS & AUDIT RESULTS As noted by AG Qualifications None Matters of emphasis Significance matters
9. COMMITTED FUNDS AND PROJECTS NB : All Projects will be completed by March 2006
10. KEY CHALLENGES FOR 2005 - 2006 ETD sector has a large number of organisations that fall within the R 500 000 limit- less levy income, difficult to support non-levy payers Lack of providers in rural areas for learnership implementation because of complexity and level of courses and professional nature of the profession ETDP SETA caters for diverse and large sector Timeous delivery of strategies, regulations, etc, from DOL
Website: Thank you! Nombulelo Nxesi: Chief Executive Officer Contact Details ETDP SETA Private Bag x 105 Melville 2109 No. 3 Annet Road Curatio Building Auckland Park, Johannesburg Switch Board: Tel: (011) 628 5000 Fax: (011) 482 6419 Toll Free: 0800 ETDP 73 Website: