In the active voice, the subject PERFORMS THE ACTION of the verb.
Mures placentam portant.
(The mice carry the cake.)
In the passive voice, the subject is ACTED UPON by the verb.
Placenta a muribus portatur.
(The cake is carried by the mice.)
In Latin, there are special endings to show that the verbs are in the passive voice!
First, let’s review the ACTIVE endings of the present tense.
Portare--active voice porto portas portat portamus portatis portant
Now we’ll look at the passive voice endings:
portare--passive voice portor portaris portatur portamur portamini portantur
Second conjugation long “e” verbs
tenere--passive voice teneor teneris tenetur tenemur tenemini tenentur
Third Conjugation the short E verbs
ducere--passive voice ducor duceris ducitur ducimur ducimini ducuntur
Third Conjugation -io verbs
capere--passive voice capior caperis capitur capimur capimini capiuntur
Fourth Conjugation long “i” verbs
audire--passive voice audior audiris auditur audimur audimini audiuntur
Now, let’s look at some active and passive verb situations:
Puella aquam bibit.
Aqua a puella bibitur.
Viri carmen cantant.
Carmen a viribus cantatur.
Panis a viro venditur
Vir panem vendit.