22 July, 2010 Fritz Feltus Presales – EMEA Distribution How does SAP Crystal Dashboard Design integrate with other SAP Crystal Solutions? 22 July, 2010 Fritz Feltus Presales – EMEA Distribution
Agenda SAP Crystal Reports Integration SAP Crystal Reports Server Integration
SAP Crystal Reports Enterprise Reporting First Reporting tool for Windows, since 1992 Create refreshable Forms, Invoices, Statements, Letters Report design tool that enables you to create and deliver highly formatted reports via the web or embedded in enterprise applications Form-based, print-optimized reports Report designers can connect straight to datasource or a semantic layer Connect to virtually any datasource Released in 1992 as the first Report Writer for Windows OS
On-report what-if scenario modeling Key Benefits Decision support tool Time saver No export to other tools Reduce report count Conduct on-report what-if scenario modeling [This is our key differentiating feature] Xcelsius, as we all know, is a powerful visualization and analysis tool that is based on Flash technology. With Crystal Reports 2008 Xcelsius-generated SWF files can be imported into your report with a few clicks of the mouse. End users can perform what-if scenario modeling directly in the report. They can also dynamically visualize the potential financial outcome of their business decisions, and make better decisions… much faster! This strong decision support tool delivers answers to multiple business questions in the same report, therefore reducing the report proliferation in your organization. Suddenly your reports are not only an information-sharing vehicle, but also a flexible and dependable decision support tool. SLIDE 4 4
Operational reporting Key Benefits Execute decisions faster Gain operational efficiency Leverage existing processes Take action with operational reporting [This is another important key differentiating feature of Crystal Reports 2008.] Integrate your reports with operational workflows by embedding Adobe Flex (SWF) applications into your reports. The Flex applications can do tasks like database write-back – invoking operational workflows directly within Crystal Reports. Use case scenarios may include: “approve” button on an expense report - allows the user to take immediate action: Approve/Reject report & provide instant feedback via a comments box. The operation is recorded in the back-office system eliminating the need for any additional tasks. on-report “buy” button that links to an online store – enables the user place a “buy” order directly from the report. This innovative feature MAKES STATIC REPORTS ACTIONABLE and increases the end user productivity. Organizations improve their operational efficiency by integrating reporting with already existing processes. SLIDE 5 5
Compelling data presentations Key Benefits Information-rich reports Interactive report exploration Graphics bound to report data Build compelling data presentations A picture is worth 1,000 words… how about a video clip embedded in a report file? Yes, with Crystal Reports 2008 you can embed Flash videos and other animated graphics in your reports to get a more powerful and compelling message across. Same as in the previous demonstration, the Flash SWF file is imported into the report file and to be consumed by the report viewer – the business user. Imagine yourself delivering a presentation to one of your top financial customers. In support of the powerful report data that you have with you, you are now able to show - directly in the financial report - excerpts of supporting market, company or product information using a flexible, user friendly multimedia format such a video clip. This instantly makes your pitch more credible, more powerful, and gives you an edge over the competition. You win again! SLIDE 6 6
SAP Crystal Reports & Dashboard Design Integration DEMO 7
Agenda SAP Crystal Reports Integration SAP Crystal Reports Server Integration
Manage, Share, and Deliver Reports and Dashboards to All Users SAP Crystal Reports Server 2008 Shape your decisions with interactive reports and dashboards anywhere Centralised Business Intelligence Content Management Server Publish Reports & Dashboards to the Web Secure Cost Effective Easily accessible Share Content with All Users via Portals Information Consistency Common Information Repository Single Point of Access Automate Report Delivery in Virtually Any Format Email, Personal Inbox, FTP, File System Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint PDF, Crystal Reports .rpt, XML and more Manage, Share, and Deliver Reports and Dashboards to All Users SLIDE 9 COPYRIGHT © 2008 BUSINESS OBJECTS S.A. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
SAP Crystal Dashboard Design viewing Crystal Reports Server Publish Dashboard Design SWF files on Crystal Reports Server Users can securely open, view, interact with and share dashboards Dashboards are connected to static or live data sources. Value proposition Consolidate reports and dashboards on a single server – no competitor offer this at our price points Business Users will access more information easily – all in one place IT will reduce TCO by managing one server solution for both reporting and dashboarding Get a better view of your business performance
Dashboard builder Crystal Reports Server Build custom views of the data to meet specific needs End users can easily assemble their own dashboards from existing content View summarized dashboards and detailed Crystal Reports content next to each other in Infoview. The content pieces are interconnected. Monitor information with dashboard – drill into details with Crystal Reports Crystal Reports content Xcelsius Value proposition: Lower your cost of delivering comprehensive information to all users Empower end users to create their own view of the information, without IT support Better business insight with summary dashboards and detailed reports
SAP Dashboard Builder integration DEMO 12
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