Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention Program (SVAPP)
NATIONAL PROBLEM Between 20-25% of female students have experienced rape or attempted rape. College students have an increased risk of intimate partner violence. The rate of stalking among college students has become more prevalent.
VAWA AND CAMPUS SAVE ACT New legislation requires the College to: Report domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking Adopt certain student discipline procedures, such as notifying alleged victims of their rights Provide educational programming for students and employees addressing the issues of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking.
EDUCATION PROGRAM With help from faculty, the Counseling Center, Academic Technologies, IT, Legal Counsel, the Conduct Officer, the Ombudsperson, and Student Government we have developed a home-grown education program which covers: Pertinent Laws & College Policies/Processes Consent in Sexual Relationships Safe and Positive Options for Bystander Intervention Risk Reduction Strategies The Role of Alcohol Warning Signs of Abusive Behavior Healthy Relationships
TRAINING *Beginning Spring 2016, first term students will be required to complete VAWA training before they can register for their 2nd term. This required training will involve a registration stop and a message will display under Registration Stops.
TRAINING *Required Training displays as recommended for ALL students
TRAINING *Click Required Training tab and ‘Complete Training’ button is displayed for students to access the training
TRAINING *Once student completes training in Canvas, the Required Training tab displays as completed
TRAINING *Message displays that student has completed the training
Messaging to Students New Student Orientation Notifications My Status College Catalog Student Rights & Responsibilities Advisors The Registrar has requested a Crystal Report so that advisors can batch check to see which students have/have not completed the training.
TRAINING *Log on to Canvas to view the training