Social Impacts of Online Business Curry’s and PC World
Dixons Retail Plc Dixons Retail plc, is based in the UK, and one of the many largest consumer electronics retailers in Europe. Dixons Retail operates as well as Dixons Travel, Currys,, PC World and more brands across Europe Dixons Retail trade through over 1,200 stores and online, spanning 28 countries and we employ 38,000 people
Dixon Retail Plc The company are also combining our PC World and Currys stores into 2-in-1 stores which give our customers greater access to our specialist computing offer combined with our market leading mixed electrical offering, and enables us to improve our sales densities and rent to space mix
Have the changes been positive or negative due to online business? Well due to online business curry’s and PC World have had to incorporate together to save paying out for two premises in towns and cities. They have been positive in other ways because both Curry’s and PC world have the facilities for online business and free delivery in most cases. But because of websites like Amazon, they have lost a lot of business because Amazon sell most products cheaper than their competitors.
What will happen if the trend for online business grows? Well I think Curry’s and PC world will have to sell some of its shops, as keeping them with no sales will be loosing them money and also having to pay for staff to work in their. They will keep their online business and just work out of warehouses like Amazon, but I don’t think they will last forever if Amazon keep finding ways of lowering their prices of electronics.
What will it mean for sections of society The young will come of the best out of shops closing, as they do most work of they computer now and this will mean they can buy all of their products off the internet. This wont effect the well off either, as prices are lowing online they will be saving more money than going out to town to buy their electronic products. This will effect the elderly because they may not be able to work a computer or even have one and they probably get their electronics from a shop, and if this goes they will struggle to get the electronic goods they want.
Retail Growth This shows that retail sales have always been inclined, but like others fell during the end of 2009! But are still above the rest of the competition.
How will it alter the businesses? People will have to go online to find products because they will be closing down, and there wont be any access the shop. Other businesses will gain from their loss and make more money on certain items like electronics. People who don’t have internet access wont be able to buy anything from the company anymore, and this will mean loosing custom and others gaining.