How to use a Rain Barrel
1. Why save rain? It's a good idea that is beneficial for the environment. It helps ease storm water overflow problems decreases demand on municipal water helps to prevent rain from becoming polluted storm water. Rain itself does not contain chemicals , is naturally soft, oxygenated and pH neutral.
2. How much rain falls off my roof and how much can I harvest? If it rains 1/2 an inch in one day, a 1,000 sq. ft. roof will yield 300 gal. of water. As for harvesting rainwater, that depends on how many downspouts you connect to and how many rain harvesting systems you have.
3. What kind of water pressure can I expect from a Rain Barrel? The higher the elevation, the greater the water pressure will be at its lowest point. Each foot in elevation change is equal to 0.433 PSI (pounds per square inch) of water pressure. if you place your barrel on a 3 ft. stand and your barrel is full, you will have 2.598 PSI of water pressure. To keep that level of pressure, the base of your barrel needs to be 2-3 ft. higher than the highest point of your garden. When using drip irrigation: If your plants are on the ground, your barrel should be elevated 2 ft. or more. If your plants are in a 1 ft. raised garden bed, your barrel should be elevated 3 ft. or more, 4 ft. or more with 2 ft. raised beds and so on.
4. How quickly will my Rain Barrel fill up? Pretty darn quick! A half inch of rain collected from just a 200 sq. ft. (10 ft. x 20 ft.) section of roof will fill a 60 gallon rain barrel.
5. What is the best method to Draw-Out the collected Rain water from my Barrel? Drip irrigation. the water is delivered right to the roots of the plants where it can be slowly absorbed into the soil. This reduces runoff and spreads the water out into the soil better promoting root growth. Water is also not lost due to evaporation. To ensure enough pressure to move the water through the drip system, the base of your barrel needs to be elevated at least two feet above the highest point in your garden, to maintain the pressure level when the barrel is less than full.